Though Bollinger celebrated the emotional reveal of his car Thursday night, the team is looking ahead to bringing the EV to mass market. The car is expected to cost 6. Interested consumers can reserve a spot to the car on Bollingers website for free, and the company will begin taking 1,0. Australias leading free website list of new and used aircraft for sale including sports aircraft, helicopters and recreational aircraft sales on aircraft online. SAMSARAS LOG Day 1. A captains gorgeous rendition of a transoceanic journeyDay 1. May 1. 9, 2. 01. 70. Local. 12 0. 0 UTC6. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. San Diego. 9,4. 25 miles logged. The ocean is now, and will forever be, a complete mystery to me. This leg of our voyage has had nothing to distinguish it so much as a million question marks Where are the sun and the stars What happened to all the animals How is it that the sea can run in four directions at once Will the wind ever pick a direction and a constant speed and stay that way for more than ten minutes at a time Will any of the weather forecast models ever concur with one another, or even with themselves from one report to the next What the actual fuckWe have been under weigh for five days now and I still cant say, with any degree of accuracy, whether itll be five more days, or ten, before we get in. I honestly dont have a clue what the weather holds. We were motor sailing most of last night, but this morning it got so fluky that, after having to tack eight or ten times to keep the sails full, I just said, screw it, rolled up the headsail, sheeted the main home, and set a course due north. Now were pitching like a dime store pony, but at least were consistently heading toward the mark. I think that the grey is really starting to get to me. Or maybe its the fatigue, or the homesickness. Whatever it is, its no doubt compounded by my waking up on the wrong side of the berth with my attitude all thorny and curdled. Thats been known to happen from time to time. This too shall pass. Just keepin it real. Day 1. 19. May 2. Local. 12 0. 0 UTC6. NNWof Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. San Diego. 9,5. 50 miles logged. Better today. Weve logged considerable miles north and are now less than four days out from San Diego. Were motoring straight into a light breeze and a relatively flat sea. Due to the cooler air, weve added shoes and socks to our sundown attire the first time for Dinger and I since February back in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Del Sol made an extended cameo yesterday afternoon and we venerated him in his warmth with a sort of joyful reptilian tranquility. Life seems so much fuller and easier with him up there smiling down on us. The clouds become lighter. The sea surface dances and sparkles. The water below turns a positively vital shade of cerulean. To gaze into it is nothing less than to stare into the mystery and magnificence of creation. Its a totally perfected, four billion year old blue. Today its overcast again, rendering the world monochromatic and splitting it back in two familiar camps of varying gray Above, lighter shades of large, soft rounds, spread across a murky haze below, countless sharp, tiny wrinkles flitting on to the edge of the planet, interrupted only temporarily, in a very small way, by the muted, white bubbles of our slight wake. This is a very lonely part of the world. We have not seenanother soul for three days. Snapper Serial Number Year Code on this page. Not a single ship or plane. No birds, dolphins or turtles. Dinger hasnt even claimed a submarine sighting. No one out here but us three, up on Samsara, grumbling across a seemingly endless, drab, gray desert of dunes. We often take refuge from the monotony of it all in sleep. Were, all three of us now, world class slumberers. If Rip van Winkle were aboard, hed think, Damn Those are some snooze able seamen When were not sleeping or eating, were yawning and stretching. Sometimes we even yawn and stretch while were eating and sleeping. Its actually ridiculous and pathetic, but its nearly all weve got. Ive watched Pitch Perfect at least twenty times since Panama. Dinger has read every scrap of paper on the boat including the cereal boxes, and excluding nothing but the French operating manuals. Chante is still engaged in editing her novel, but shes only just joined us and this whole thing is somewhat novel for her. Now, as we creep up on America, we occasionally receive word of 4. Will there ever be an end to the licentiousness and depravity currently masquerading as governanceI dont see any possible scenario where this zeitgeist of unbridled greed, discrimination and ignorance can come off well. Meanwhile, the state department, influenced no doubt by the guard dogs at Homeland Security, has made their ridiculous demands on the process of Samsaras entry into her own county. The United States of America is the only nation called upon during our entire odyssey to require notification of the last five ports visited along with exact dates and a forty eight hour long waiting period to clear customs. We are actually required to go straight to the police dock and wait, behind a locked gate, for officials to grant us permission to carry on about our lives. Its Orwellian. The first order of business when I get home is to renew my passport and submit applications for the rest of my family. Having spent this entire presidency enjoying the hospitality of somewhat saner nations and the absolute freedom of the wild, open sea, Im no less disinclined to expatriate than I have ever been. Its sad to say, but the US is obviously deep in the throws of an untreated psychotic level bipolar disorder with pathologically narcissistic overtones. Im thinking a wall may not be such a bad idea after all. Put it all the way round Trumpfuckistan and cap it with an artificially sunny orange sky so that there is no possibility of anyone undesirable ever getting in or, more importantly, out. At night the Trumptilians can project a giant crescent and sickle the best crescent and sickle up on there magnificent edifice and sleep comfortably in the knowledge that no dirty brown people will ever again torture their lawns, chip their dishes or sing their blues. Sonrisa is Spanish for smile. Ergo, sun rise smile. Sol is Spanish for sun. Ergo, sun soul. Day 1. May 2. Local. 12 0. UTC6. NWof Cabo San Lucas. SW of San Diego. 9,7. Heres the thing about traveling the ocean on small craft If even a light wind increases by just ten percent, it can agitate the sea enough that youre forced to alter course to prevent the boat pounding into the waves and shock loading the rig. By the slightest whim of the wind, and one small counter adjustment to the autopilot, in an instant, youre as far from your destination as you were twenty four hours previous despite having spent that whole time clawing your way up the hill. It can be very frustrating The sun finally found an opening and made a mad rush up the middle. We just got our wretched marrow on top of the the high and put over on port. We rolled out the headsail, shut down old Ironsides, and eased out the mainsheet. Forevermore well be joyfully prancing along the rhumb line straightish towards San Diego, or so the wishing goes. Despite our best efforts, Samsara insists on belly flopping off a wave every too often, and its really starting to bunch up my tighty whiteys Unfortunately, our only options are fall all the way off down towards Turtle Bay, heave to and wait for conditions to change, or sail full commando. I bet youll never guess. I think we should consider locking the designers at Beneteau into Samsaras forward cabin and taking them to weather in a moderate chop for a few days. If any of them ever happen to be discharged from the asylum afterward, and are somehow able to return to work, I bet theyll be more particular about the width of the bow sections and argue for a finer entry on future designs. Just a thought. Realistically, no boat ever does everything well. Especially not when Im tired and this close to home. If I had to trade off one area of performance on a cruising boat, however, it would definitely be going to weather in the slop. Thats just not something you do a whole lot of when you follow the world cruising routes in the proper season and behave like sensible people. When your on delivery, it seems like the wind is nearly always on the nose. We got really lucky with this trip and sailed masses of downwind miles.