Pdf Man Myth Matthew Hussey Retreat' title='Pdf Man Myth Matthew Hussey Retreat' />Algerian War Wikipedia. Algerian War Tagrawla Tadzayrit. Guerre dAlgrie. Collage of the French war in Algeria. Belligerents. FLNMNAPCA France. Cases of child sexual abuse by Catholic priests, nuns and members of religious orders, and subsequent coverups, in the 20th and 21st centuries have led to numerous. The Algerian War, also known as the Algerian War of Independence or the Algerian Revolution Arabic Althawra AlJazaairiyya. A look at Megalodon The Monster Shark Lives on Discovery Channels Shark Week. Theres a disturbing lack of information on Collin Drake and other events. FAF1. 96. 06. 1OAS1. Commanders and leaders. Mourad Didouche Mustapha Benboulad Larbi Ben MHidi Ali La Pointe Ahmed Zabana Youcef Zighoud Benali Boudghne Bachir Chihani Ali Mallah Saadi Yacef. Politicians Abane Ramdane Ferhat Abbas. Houari Boumedienne. Hocine At Ahmed. Ahmed Ben Bella. Krim Belkacem. Frantz Fanon. Rabah Bitat. Mohamed Boudiaf. Ali Kafi. Ahmed Tewfik El Madani. Ahmed Francis. Mohamed Khider. Benyoucef Benkhedda. Abdelhamid Mehri. Mohamed Lamine Debaghine. Saad Dahlab. Mohammed Seddik Benyahia. Amar Ouamrane. Lakhdar Ben Tobbal. Abdelhafid Boussouf. Sad Mohammedi. Ibrahim Mazhoudi. Alphonse Djamate 1. Paul Cherrire 1. Henri Lorillot 1. Raoul Salan1. 95. Jacques Massu1. 95. Paul Aussaresses. Maurice Challe1. Jean Crepin 1. Fernand Gambiez1. Pierre Lagaillarde. Raoul Salan. Edmond Jouhaud. Jean Jacques Susini. Said Boualam. Strength. Harkis. 3,0. 00 OASCasualties and losses. FLN soldiers killed 89 including 1. Unknown number of wounded 1. OAS2,0. 00 jailed OAS3. Algerian casualities. Europeans forced to flee 1. The Algerian War, also known as the Algerian War of Independence or the Algerian Revolution Arabic Al thawra Al Jazaairiyya, Berber Tagrawla Tadzayrit, French Guerre dAlgrie or Rvolution algrienne was a war between France and the Algerian National Liberation Front French Front de Libration Nationale FLN from 1. Algeria gaining its independence from France. An important decolonization war, it was a complex conflict characterized by guerrilla warfare, maquis fighting, and the use of torture by both sides. The conflict also became a civil war between the different communities and within the communities 1. The war took place mainly on the territory of Algeria, with repercussions in metropolitan France. Effectively started by members of the National Liberation Front FLN on November 1, 1. Toussaint Rouge Red All Saints Day, the conflict led to serious political crises in France, causing the fall of the Fourth French Republic 1. Fifth Republic with a strengthened Presidency. The brutality of the methods employed by the French forces failed to win hearts and minds in Algeria, alienated support in metropolitan France and discredited French prestige abroad. After major demonstrations in Algiers and several other cities in favor of independence 1. United Nations resolution recognizing the right to independence,2. De Gaulle decided to open a series of negotiations with the FLN. These concluded with the signing of the vian Accords on March 1. A referendum took place on 8 April 1. French electorate approved the vian Accords. Download Pimp C Live From Harris County Jail Rar Free. The final result was 9. July, the Accords were subject to a second referendum in Algeria, where with 9. The planned French withdrawal led to a state crisis. This included various assassination attempts on de Gaulle as well as some attempts at military coups. Most of the former were carried out by the Organisation arme secrte OAS, an underground organization formed mainly from French military personnel supporting a French Algeria, which committed a large number of bombings and murders both in Algeria and in the homeland to stop the planned independence. Upon independence in 1. European Algerians Pieds noirs fled to France within a few months in fear of the FLNs revenge. The French government was totally unprepared for the vast number of refugees, which caused turmoil in France. The majority of Algerian Muslims who had worked for the French were disarmed and left behind as the treaty between French and Algerian authorities declared that no actions could be taken against them. Background French AlgeriaeditConquest of AlgeriaeditOn the pretext of a slight to their consul, the French invaded Algiera in 1. Directed by Marshall Bugeaud, who became the first Governor General of Algeria, the conquest was violent, marked by a scorched earth policy designed to reduce the power of the native rulers Dey this included massacres, mass rapes, and other atrocities. In 1. 83. 4, Algeria became a French military colony and was subsequently declared by the constitution of 1. France and divided into three departments Alger, Oran and Constantine. Many French and other Europeans Spanish, Italians, Maltese, and others later settled in Algeria. Under the Second Empire 1. Code de lindignat Indigenous Code was implemented by the Snatus consulte of July 1. It allowed Muslims to apply for full French citizenship, a measure that few took, since it involved renouncing the right to be governed by sharia law in personal matters and was considered a kind of apostasy. Its first article stipulated The indigenous Muslim is French however, he will continue to be subjected to Muslim law. He may be admitted to serve in the army arme de terre and the navy arme de mer. He may be called to functions and civil employment in Algeria. He may, on his demand, be admitted to enjoy the rights of a French citizen in this case, he is subjected to the political and civil laws of France. Arrival of Marshal Randon in Algiers in 1. However, prior to 1. Muslims and 1. 52 by Jewish Algerians. The 1. 86. 5 decree was then modified by the 1. Crmieux decrees, which granted French nationality to Jews living in one of the three Algerian departments. In 1. 88. 1, the Code de lIndignat made the discrimination official by creating specific penalties for indignes and organizing the seizure or appropriation of their lands. After World War II, equality of rights was proclaimed by the Ordonnance of March 7, 1. Loi Lamine Guye of May 7, 1. French citizenship to all the subjects of Frances territories and overseas departments, and by the 1. Constitution. The Law of September 2. French citizenship to all Algerian subjects, who were not required to renounce their Muslim personal status. Algeria was unique to France because, unlike all other overseas possessions acquired by France during the 1. Algeria was considered and legally classified an integral part of France. Algerian nationalismedit. French Algeria. Both Muslim and European Algerians took part in World War I, fighting for France. Algerian Muslims served as tirailleurs such regiments were created as early as 1. French settlers as Zouaves or Chasseurs dAfrique. With Wilsons 1. 91. Fourteen Points, the fifth reading A free, open minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined, some Algerian intellectualsdubbed oulmasbegan to nurture the desire for independence or, at least, autonomy and self rule. Within this context, a grandsonwho of Abd el Kadir spearheaded the resistance against the French in the first half of the 2. He was a member of the directing committee of the French Communist Party PCF. In 1. 92. 6, he founded the toile Nord Africaine North African Star party, to which Messali Hadj, also a member of the PCF and of its affiliated trade union, the Confdration gnrale du travail unitaire CGTU, joined the following year. The North African Star broke from the PCF in 1. Pariss demand. Amid growing discontent from the Algerian population, the Third Republic 1. Popular Front initiated the Blum Viollette proposal in 1. Indigenous Code by giving French citizenship to a small number of Muslims. The pieds noirs Algerians of European origin violently demonstrated against it and the North African Party opposed it, leading to the projects abandonment. The pro independence party was dissolved in 1. Messali Hadjs 1. Is the Shark Week Megalodon Show on Discovery Channel Real The first original program to run during Discovery Channels 2. Shark Week was an over dramatized show looking at the possibility of the existence of Megalodon, a giant shark at one point believed to be an ancestor of the White shark. The show starts with a dramatic video that looks to be shot by an amateur with friends on a fishing trip. One of the friends hooks what they refer to as something big and eventually the boat goes down. Then the show starts talking about how the boat was attacked from below and could have been from a Megalodon. The show continues on to follow marine biologist Collin Drake and his team as they search for the giant predator off the coast of South Africa. I was pretty skeptical of any of the information being given. Using the power of the internet, I searched for marine biologist Collin Drake. The search results only included references and descriptions for the Discovery Channel show I was watching. Not a promising first step in figuring out if theres accuracy behind what Im watching. Then I searched for the fishing charter accident driving the whole plot behind the show. You would think that if a fishing vessel went down mysteriously in April of 2. South Africa with no survivors, it would certainly be in the news. So I looked. I searched Google, I went to some of the South African news outlet sites and searched through archives and performed searches on boats sinking, etc. The results of my searches again returned nothing. That makes no sense. In this day and age, and with the people shown in the introductory video being white adults speaking English, theres no way this wouldnt have been covered more extensively in the local, national and international news. I also searched for Hawaii whale carcasses to match the ones described in the show. Again, nothing similar to what was shown. Additional I looked for any records of the Brazilian Coast Guard rescue video that seemed to show a giant creature swimming near a rescue site. Nothing. Again. After using the powers of the internet to search for the past 9. Im decently convinced this show is for dramatic effect only and has no real scientific value. Were just being duped into watching this. All Discovery Channel needs to do to thrill viewers is show real footage of the creatures up close, not drum up some ridiculous and currently unverifiable story to capture an audience. Update This show was confirmed to be a fake documentary by Discovery.