Set. Mail Haeder. mailfrom in Designate senders mail address. Designate a subject. To leave it. blank, enter just two double quotes. Designate a body of mail. To leave it. blank, enter just two double quotes. Designate a file name to be attached with full path. To leave it. blank, enter just two double quotes. To set. multiple attached files, separate them with Tab. Example logname g tempmaillog. Name full path of log filesvname odyssey Name of SMTP Servermailto BABAQ lt xxxxxxxx. Hi everyone I am trying to run the spoacreate master procedure from within a trigger on a sql 2005 database table. So far the only solution i have found. BASP21 DLL. Japanese. Release Notes Sep 11, 2001 BASP21 belongs to Tatsuo Baba Written by TK Upperfield. This is a comprehensive component, packed with 66 of useful. Microsoft Access Performance Tips to Speed up Your Access Databases by Dan Haught, Executive Vice President, and Luke Chung, President of FMS. This paper is featured on. Summary Introduces nonprogrammers to some basic ways to use Visual Basic for Applications VBA programming to extend Microsoft Office. Includes a broad. Interested in learning more about Excel VBA MrExcel will teach you how to use Microsoft Excel VBA. Check out our site for more information about Excel VBA tutorials. Recievers mail addressmailfrom somebody lt whowho. Senders mail. addresssubj Hello wattached file Mail Subjectbody Hey, whats up Mail Bodyfiles g tempfile. Attached Filesrc bobj. Send. Mail. Exlogname,svname,mailto,mailfrom, subj,body,filesif rc lt then Check Errorrc is the error statementend if. In MS Access VBA, how do I call a stored append query with parameters Each month, over 5. Stack Overflow to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Join the worlds largest developer community.