Java. Script using the Full Screen API. This is a simple online Java. Your comprehensive JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, and Ajax stop. Script tool to easily convert a string to lowercase, uppercase, title, capital, or sentence case, depending on your needs. See how to use Java. Script async functions with Java. Script Promises to further simplify asynchronous operations in Java. Script, and produce code thats easier to read and debug to boot. A comprehensive introduction to CSS Variables, which is a new browser feature that lets you store and reuse CSS values in your CSS. Unlike variables in CSS Preprocessors, CSS variables are live, and accessible using Java. Script. The trend for search boxes these days has been bigger and bolder. This tutorial shows how to create a slick, well engineered full screen search form that works beautifully across all modern browsers and devices. Introducing The Javascript Language' title='Introducing The Javascript Language' />See four Java. Script functions that help you unlock the full potential of CSS Transitions and Animations, by pausing them, detecting when theyve finished playing, and more. This tutorial looks at how to use Google Time Zone API to reliably display the local time of any city or location in Java. Script. See how to build a simple but sleek page transition using CSS3 transitions and animation that appears while a page is loading. CSSs venerable hover pseudo class presents a bit of a conundrum on touch screen devices, where the hover style stays with the element the user just tapped on until heshe taps again elsewhere in the document. This tutorial looks at 4 creative ways to deal with sticky hover effects on mobile devices. In this tutorial, Ill go over the key elements that make up CSS Flexbox, plus show you some common Flexbox patterns to validate its usefulness. After this leisurely read youll wonder how you ever went by so long without flexing. Introducing Selenium Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a different approach to supporting test automation. Most Selenium QA Engineers focus on. History This article first appeared in Better Software magazine in March 2006. Links to translations are at the end of the article. I had a problem. While using and. See how to create a simple Youtube video lightbox, by first creating a responsive and vertically centered Youtube iframe, then using Youtube URL parameters and the Youtube Player API to control it. Animation. Frame is a Java. Script method for creating smoother, less resource intensive Java. Script animations. See how to take advantage of this method in this comprehensive tutorial. Learn how to detect the amount the user has scrolled the page using Java. Script or j. Query, in either pixels travelled or as a percentage of the whole page. In this short tutorial, well see how easy it is to create an image that swings like a pendulum continuously using CSS3 keyframes animation. This tutorial looks at how to use Yahoos YQL service as an alternative to the now defunct Google Feed API to quickly display RSS feeds from external sources using Java. Script only. In this tutorial, well see how to read the textual contents of a user selection, dynamically select some text on the page, and last but not least, copy whatever is selected to clipboard, all using just Java. Script. Its certified Flash free Java. Script Promises are a new addition to ECMAscript 6 that aims to provide a cleaner, more intuitive way to deal with the completion or failure of asynchronous tasks. In this tutorial well deliver the promise of Java. Script Promises to the uninitiated A hot trend in web design these days is the use of sticky. In this tutorial. Query and CSS. One of the exciting new additions to ECMAscript 6 is Arrow. Functions, a compact way to define anonymous functions that also simplifies the. In this tutorial well go. In this tutorial, well see how to create the iconic. CSS3 only, and with the help of a little. Java. Script, polish it off so its fully ready for real world use. A sites mobile usability will now play an important role in how well your site ranks on Google for mobile searches. In this quick start guide we show you how to quickly address the key mobile issues that result in a failing grade for Google, and also, tips on taking your site a step further to become fully responsive. More Additions. A common question that gets asked is how to use Java. Scripts window. match. Media method to react to multiple CSS media queries. In this tutorial we explore how. In this tutorial well see how some careful stacking of two images in CSS can make way for a quick before and after image effect, whereby moving the mouse over the image container peels back one image to reveal another. Parallax scrolling is a visual technique where elements on the page move or animate at different speeds as the user scrolls the page, creating depth and visual intrigue. This tutorial walks you through how to create a simple parallax scrolling effect using CSS and Java. Script. Pure CSS only interfaces are all the rage these days, so lets explore that concept with our very own CSS3 clock, then see it come to life using some Java. Script. In this tutorial we look at how to use j. Query to dynamically modify CSS3 properties and react to when a transition has completed. Its the key to injecting logic to your transitions In this tutorial lets get touchy feely with Java. Script, by examining its touch related events and how they are used to detect and respond to touch and swipe events. With todays challenge of building webpages that look right in the myriad of different devices comes CSS media queries, a nifty CSS feature that builds upon CSS Media types of CSS 2. HTML5 introduces DOM Storage, a new way of storing data on the client side that overcomes the disk space limitations of Java. Script cookies. This tutorial looks at how to take advantage of DOM Storage in browsers today. Most of us are familiar with using object detection or the Navigator object to check for backing for a given Java. Script object or method, but these techniques do not work well when the objective is to check whether the browser supports a particular HTML element, such as the lt canvas element. This is where document. Element can be very helpful. Teaching. Computing. The best way to get ahead with teaching and learning computing check out our learning lounge today. Complete lessons with starters, videos, discussion, worksheets and more. Also, our Mastering series Interactive powerpoints on topics relating to the GCSE and A Level computing syllabus. Can also be used for further and independent study. Use these to get your students coding, and mastering computing concepts and theory. Teaching. Computing Series 1. Beginners Intro to Programming Concepts. Teaching. Computing Series 1a VB. Net. Lesson. 1 Intro to CS, Binary, Scratch. Lesson 2 Programming principles, Variables. Lesson 3 Variables, VB. Net, Chatbot, Subs, AILesson 4 Visual Programming in VB. Net. Lesson 5 6 Introducing Selection, IF, Case. Lesson 7 Introducing Iteration, types of loops. Lesson 8a Tasks and Exercises in VB. Net Try yourself Lesson 8b Using Trace tables to Test Code. Lesson 9 1. 0 Introducing HTML and Java. Script. Lesson 1. Random Number App VB. NetLesson 1. 3 Creating a Rolling Dice App VB. NetTC Series 1 recommended links and websites VB. NetEnd of Series VB. Net Programming examples. Teaching. Computing Series 2. Advanced Programming GCSEASLesson 1 2 String Manipulation. Lesson 3 4 Introducing Arrays. Lesson 5 More on Arrays. Lesson 6 7 Types of Errors, File Handling. Lesson 8 Systems Life Cycle,Subs and functions. Lesson 9 Famous Computing People, App, Forms. Download Free Project Altered Beast Iso 9000. Lesson 1. 0 Using parameters in your subs. Lesson 1. 1 Creating a function using parameters. Lesson 1. 2 Using Standard Modules. Lesson 1. 3 Events. Lesson 1. 4 Testing and debugging code. Lesson 1. 5 1. Tic. Tac. Toe Tutorial. Lesson 1. 7 Testing GSCE and A LevelTCSeries. Tackling controlled assessmentsGCSE A4. A4. 52 OCR, EXEXCEL, AQA1. Programming Constructs Sequence, Selection, Iteration. Mastering Selection IF and CASE with examples Video demo. Mastering Iteration 3 types of loops with examples Video demo. Mastering String Manipulation examples Video demo5. Mastering File Handling examples Video demo6. Mastering File Compression What is File Compression Lossy vs Lossless Compression, How to compress a text file, algorithm, pseudocode, coding examples. E Portfolios for Year 7, 8 and 9Year 7 E Portfolio Phase 1. Year 7 E Portfolio Phase 2. Year 8 E Portfolio. Year 9 E Portfolio. Year 7 ComputingMaths Cross curricular project. Exemplar Work Coursework. A4. 52 A Exemplars. A4. 53 AExemplars. F4. 54 AExemplars x 5Moderated marksheets included for A Level projects Languages included Java platform game, PHP, SQL and Javascript, LUA, VB. NetWorksheets. VB. Net Worksheets x 1. Create a series of appsAdditional Resources. Cool Starter Power Points. Crazy Computing Facts 1. Crazy Computing Facts 2. Flappy Birds Tutorial Scratch 1, 2, 3 and 4. Video Tutorials and power points. Teaching Python resources. Introduction to Computer Science. Installing Python, Intro to Python. Installation Guide Python. Introducing Variables in Python. Variables and Input Function Chat bot program. Creating a Bingo app Part 1. Creating a Bingo app Part 2. Video Tutorials HTML and Java. Script. Powerpoint Tutorials 9 Part Series HTML5 and Javascript. Create your own multiplayer game step by step. CodeQuestionsTasks. Create the classic game snake using Javascript TutorialDownload Part 3 Free. Web page from scratch using HTMLChanging font size and colour in HTMLAdding images and centering them. Doing more with HTML and a simple form. What is HTML 5 and adding hyperlinks. Adding Java. Script to your HTML webpage. Doing more with Javascript simple function. Make Practical apps using HTMLJavascript and PHPCreating a registration and login screen online using HTML, Javascript, PHP how to make facebookHTML5 Javascript series. Make a multiplayer platform game the classic game snake in Javascript step by step tutorialsLearn about variables, selection, iteration, functions. Programming with Javascript Series. Intro to programming with HTML and Javascript Part 1Part 2 4 including solutions, exemplars, videos for learnersproducing multiplayer games, traffic light system, games, animation 1. Part series with solutions, exemplars, videos, goes through all fundamental programmingVideo Tutorials Beginners in VB. Net. How to Download Visual Studio Creating a Simple Chatbot. Creating an intelligent talking computer Using IF statements in your chatbot VB. Net Intro to the IDE and menu strip creation. Using Variables and your first program Creating a simple login system Adding text to a listbox Use of subroutines in VB. Net. Using built in snippets to help you code Working with combo boxes Initialising Variables using a For loop Dountil Loop and trace table Demo WhileEnd Loop Demo. HTMLJavascript and PHPCreating a registration and login screen online using HTML, Javascript, PHP how to make facebookHTML5 Javascript series Make a multiplayer platform game the classic game snake in Javascript step by step tutorialsGeneral resources Series includedMastering Javascript and Html Programing Variables, Sequence, Selection, Iteration, Functions, Arrays. GCSE Controlled assessment tasks e. A4. 52 Several Solutions Exemplars Teachers only. CA ExemplarsControlled assessment solutions TEACHERS ONLYFile Compression 4 part series. What is File Compression Coding File handling, arrays and string manipulation techniques coveredMastering Barcode Reading and Coding. Traffic Lights coding JavascriptVehicle Speeding System Exemplar. Controlled assessment A4. A4. 52 Javascript and LMCVideo Tutorials HTML and Java. Script. Powerpoint Tutorials 9 Part Series HTML5 and Javascript. Create your own multiplayer game step by step CodeQuestionsTasks Create the classic game snake using Javascript Tutorial Download Part 3 Free. Web page from scratch using HTMLChanging font size and colour in HTMLAdding images and centering them. Doing more with HTML and a simple form. What is HTML 5 and adding hyperlinks. Adding Java. Script to your HTML webpage. Doing more with Javascript simple function. Make. Python GUI Programming Series. Power point series for teaching and learning going through all the things that you need to know how to do to solve controlled assessments and create your own projects in Python Tkinter.