Free Get Premium 1. Hour Adobe Photoshop CC Training Course. Heres an incredible new resource that you should not miss and even bookmarkshare Its a comprehensive professional training course on how to best use Adobe Photoshop from OReillys Infinite. Skills normally costing US1. FREE with no catch. It includes 1. 3 hours of high quality instruction broken out into 2. HD or SD, covering all major aspects of Photoshop the worlds most popular graphics and photo editing software at no costThis premium course breaks down the features and tools of Photoshop into easily understood parts, increasing your ability to understand and retain the information. You will learn how to work with Camera Raw images, organize your files using Adobe Bridge, create and manage color in an image, utilize layers in Photoshop, work with filters, and much more. Expert instructor Andy Anderson shares his favorite tips and techniques and shows you how to use key tools and features such as dodge burn, brushes, cloning healing, the magic wand, levels curves, and type. See below for a comprehensive listing of all topics covered. Install now Get all new Adobe CC 2. You can browse, jump, and watch anywhere you want within the set of lessons so youll get a lot out of this top flight class whether youre already using Photoshop CC or if youre an absolute beginner. Downloadable working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the course. You will be granted full access to these tutorials so you can learn them at your own pace. Certificates of Completion are also now available. IMPORTANT UPDATE Adobe says they will be removing this course soon To enroll now, you must use this workaround. Free bonus For a really good introduction to Photoshop, be sure to also check out this 5 hour beginners primer. If youre not yet running CC and are still using a previous version of Photoshop CS, then theres an older course edition that you can use for CS5 or CS6 also 1. For customers with Photoshop Elements, see this overview class 1 hour. All of these are also free. If you dont already have Photoshop CC installed on your computer but would like to get going today and work side by side with the lessons, you can easily download the free trial for Windows or Mac then install, run, and start your training The trial is fully functional for 3. After that time, check out Adobes Photography Bundle, which gives you the latest versions of both Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC desktop tools which used to cost over 1,0. And if you also like learning in print, then youll love this great set of free Adobe books you can download over 2. Another helpful resource for understanding the product is the official manual free PDF documentation for Photoshop or any other Adobe application. Here are a few user reviews for the Photoshop CC course Thank you very much for putting all of this together. Ctrl CtrlAlt CtrlShift Alt Shift AltShift CtrlAltShift 1 Layer Tool Opacity 10 Select Channel 1 Load Selection Channel 1 2 Layer Tool Opacity 20 Select. Photoshop Type Mask Tool is a handy little tool, and has been around for ever. Eric Renno explains more. This was a great course that I totally would recommendI loved this course, I learned something new in every chapter. Andy Anderson was an awesome teacher using simple language for us to understand. ThanksHelpful even for someone who has been using Photoshop for years. This tutorial is excellent. It is well ordered, consistent, and detailed properly. I have reviewed hundreds of dollars and hours worth of resources This OReilly production is the best. The tone, pace, and content work perfectly. Only wish I had it sooner but cant wait to get some creative work done now, and so much more efficientlyGreat stuff, have been using Photoshop for a while, but now some of the buttons make sense to me. Still have a little while to go, but am enjoying the ride. Many thanks for this. And here is the complete course description and table of contents Getting Started 6 minutesIntroduction 0. About Andy Anderson 0. Photoshop Essentials 2. Introduction 0. The Photoshop Interface 0. Communicating Between Macintosh And Windows 0. Raster Versus Vector Images 0. Bit Depth And Image Information 0. Getting Efficient 3. Introduction 0. Essential Preference Settings 0. Setting Up Color Preferences 0. Controlling Photoshop Menus 0. Saving Time With Shortcuts 0. Organizing Photoshop Panels 0. Creating Custom Workspaces 0. Viewing And Controlling Images 2. Introduction 0. Opening Images In Photoshop 0. Working With File Information 0. Changing The Photoshop View 0. Using The Zoom And Hand Tool 0. The Navigator Panel 0. The Amazing Adobe Bridge 4. Introduction 0. Adobe Bridge 1. Adjusting The Workspace 0. Modifying Bridge Preferences 0. Using Favorites To Control Workflow 0. Organizing Images Using Ratings And Labels 0. Using Keywords And Collections 0. Controlling Image Information 0. Going Beyond Image Organization 0. Working With The Camera Raw Plug In 5. Introduction 0. What Is Camera Raw Setting Up ACR Preferences 1. A Spin Around The ACR Interface 1. Basic Adjustments And Snapshots 0. Working With Multiple Images 0. Selectively Adjusting Images 0. Generating Presets in Camera Raw 0. Saving ACR Images 0. Photoshop And The World Of Color 4. Introduction 0. Modifying Colorsync Preferences 0. Monitor Calibration With A Spyder 0. Creating A Color Friendly Workspace 0. Working With Color Balance 0. Down And Dirty Color Cast Removal 0. Using Destructive And Non Destructive Adjustments 0. Applying Color Tints To An Image 0. Turning Hue And Saturation Into A Precision Tool 0. From The Swatches Panel To The World Wide Web 0. The Amazing Photoshop Layers Panel 4. Introduction 0. The Layers Panel Explained 1. Aligning Images Within Multiple Layers 0. Reducing Chaos With Layer Groups 0. Backgrounds And Layers 0. Stacking, Copying, And Deleting Layers 0. Merging Layer Techniques 0. Non Destructive Layer Vignettes 0. Photoshop And Blending Modes 3. Introduction 0. The Basics Of Blending Modes 0. Normal And Dissolve Blending Modes 0. Layer Opacity Versus Fill 0. The Darken Blending Modes 0. The Lighten Blending Modes 0. The Contrast Blending Modes 0. The Invert And Tonal Blending Modes 0. The Brush Tool And Blending Modes 0. Gaining Control With Adjustment Layers 3. Introduction 0. Understanding Adjustment Layers 0. Adjusting Image Exposure 0. Controlling Adjustments with Layer Links 0. Working With Adjustment Layer Masks 0. Sharing Adjustments With Other Images 0. Using Gradients With Adjustment Layers 0. Working With Layer Styles 3. Onslow County Board Of Education Policy Manual. Introduction 0. Understanding Layer Styles 0. Generating A Flexible Drop Shadow 0. Down And Dirty Neon 0. Working With Bevels And Pattern Overlays 0. Creating A Classic Wax Seal 0. Photoshop And The World Of Vector 4. Introduction 0. Generating Vector Paths 1. Creating Vector Shapes 0. Editing Vector Paths And Shapes 0. Generating Complex Vector Paths 0. Working Between Vector And Raster 0. Creating A Clipping Path 0. Generating Custom Shapes 0. Editing Selective Portions Of An Image 3. Introduction 0. Introduction To Dodging, Burning, And Sponging 0. Performing A Dodge And Burn 0. Removing Color Saturation With Sponge 0. Dodging And Burning The Non Destructive Way 0. Controlling Dodge And Burn With Gradients 0. Efficient Control With Tool Presets 0. Cloning, Healing, And More 4. Introduction 0. Cloning Techniques 1. Using The Healing Brushes 0. Removing Unwanted Background Objects 0. Working With Facial Features 0. Whitening Teeth 0. Adding A Dash Of Color 0. Moving Objects 0. Removing Red Eye 0. Cropping, Straightening, And Perspective 0. From Color To Grayscale 1. Introduction 0. Conversion Basics 0. Allowing Photoshop To Make The Conversion 0. Using The Black And White Adjustment 0. The Ansel Adams Effect 0. Working With Photoshop Filters 2. Introduction 0. Smart Filters And The Filter Gallery 0. Controlling A Filters Opacity And Blending Mode 0. Generating Cool Oil Paintings 0. Creative Use Of The High Pass Filter 0.