ICAO has working on North Korea Air space and Great Circle Ring, June 2017, also we make the latest Map for the Missile over Japan, you are able to see the work in. The Access button downloads an Access Code which you can use to unlock services based on Navigraph FMS Data hosted on other servers. If you are not logged in, you will be asked to do so before the download starts. Upon login you may also be asked how you would like to pay for the data. To download FMS Data you need a subscription to our FMS Data services. Subscriptions are available both as yearly and monthly plans, and can also be bundled with charts. See the Subscription page for the different options and pricing. Please note This page does not support download manager software which throttles download speed. All files are created dynamically upon request and are watermarked with information identifying the logged in user. Popup blocking software can also potentially interfere with the download service. Please refer to our support forum for help. Current cycle 1. Effective from 2. AIRAC 1. 71. 1 cycle includes navaids, airports, airways and partly terminal procedures see TP column belowAddon. TPModified. Revision. Size. Active Sky 2. FSXYes. 20. 17 1. MBActive Sky 2. 01. P3. DYes. 20. 17 1. MBActive Sky for P3. Dv. 4Yes. 20. 17 1. MBAerosoft Airbus A3. A3. 19A3. 20A3. Yes. MBAerosoft Airbus X Extended v. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBAerosoft Airbus X Extended v. The aim of Navigraph is to provide the international flight simulation community with tools and software like those available to the aviation industry. Support Forum on AVSIM. Pilot2ATC Users Forum. Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Weve had lots of Questions about Pilot2ATCs Capabilities and Operations, so I. Take Command IXEG 737 Classic 737CL 1. Purchase this with Mike Rays 737 Classic Pilot Handbook and receive 17 off the handbook with discount code 778e59e8. J.png.7c51231323847b020eb73ed9849108eb.png' alt='How To Install Navigraph Airac' title='How To Install Navigraph Airac' />Yes. MBaero. System 7. Avionics. Yes. 20. MBAir. Simmer. Yes. MBAir. Sim. Tech AST nativees. MBAir. Trackivla. Soft EFBYes. 20. 17 1. MBAviograsf A3. 40. No. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBBlackbox Simulation all productsYes. MBCaptain Sim 7. 577. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBCarenado all productsYes. MBCPS Concorde Performance System. No. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBDigital Aviation CRJ 7. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBDispatch Planner XYes. MBDreamfleet Eurowings Prof. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBEADT KLN 9. 0B nativeYes. MBEaglesoft. Yes. MBEFASS NG Electronic Flight Assistant. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBFeelthere Embraer Regional Jets v. Embraer E Jets v. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBFlight. 1 ATR7. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 1. MBFlight. 1 Aviation Technologies G1. Student. Yes. 20. MBFlight. 1 Aviation Technologies G1. Student Pro. Yes. MBFlight. 1 BN2 Islander. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBFlight. 1 CheyenneFokkerMustangSuper 8. ProfessionalC1. 82. TKing Air B2. 00. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBFlightsim Commander 9. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBFlight. Sim Solutionslight. Sim. Labs A3. 20. XYes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBFS Instructor. Yes. MBFS Instructor Panel 2. X nativeNo. 20. MBFSBuild 2. Yes. MBFS Flight. Control. Yes. 20. MBFSi. Panel. Yes. MBFS Navigator 4. No. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBFs. Radio. Panel nativeYes. MBFSTramp. Yes. 20. MBFs. XPand Flyware. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBGlobal Air Traffic Control. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBi. FLY 7. 37. NG 3. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 1. MBi. FLY 7. 47 4. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 1. MBi. FMS nativeYes. MBIntegrated Simavionics ISGYes. MBIXEG 7. 37 Classic nativeYes. MBJARDesign A3. 20neo nativeYes. MBJARDesign A3. 30 nativeYes. MBJeehell A3. 20 FMGSYes. MBJet. 45 FMS Flight. Deck. Soft. Yes. 20. MBJust. Flight DC 8 Jetliner. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBLevel. D 7. 67. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBMajestic Dash. 8 Q4. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBMil. Viz. Yes. 20. MBOnline. Sim. org SFC YARCpus. FSIYes. 20. 17 1. MBPFPX Professional Flight Planner XYes. MBPilot. 2ATCYes. MBPMDG all productsYes. MBPointsoft Pro ATC XYes. MBProject Magenta AirbusBoeingRJ Type Glass Cockpit, GA IFR Panel nativeNo. MBProject Magenta AirbusBoeing Type FMC nativeYes. MBProject Magenta General Aviation Glass Cockpit nativeNo. MBProject Magenta Instructor Station nativeNo. MBProject Magenta Quick. MapMoving Map nativeNo. MBPro. Sim 7. 37. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBPro. Sim. Utils. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBPSS AirbusBoeingDash. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBPSS AirbusBoeingDash nativeYes. MBQuality. Wings The Ultimate 7. Collection. Yes. 20. MBQuality. Wings all addonsYes. MBRotate MD 8. 0 nativeYes. MBSim Avionics Flightdeck Avionics. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBSim. Briefimcheck A3. B4 nativeYes. MBSim. Launcher. XYes. MBSSG Boeing 7. FMC nativeYes. MBTFDi Design 7. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBTOPCATNo. 20. 17 1. MBTune. VNAV Descent Pro. Preset Viewer Serial Season. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBUniversal FMC UFMC nativeYes. MBvas. FMC Flight Management nativeYes. MBvas. FMC Flight Management. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 1. MBv. ERAM nativeNo. MBv. STARS nativeNo. MBWilco A3. 20 PIC for FS2. No. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBWilco CRJ Next Generation. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBWilco Falcon. 7XYes. MBWilcoFeelthere 7. Legacy, Airbus Series. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBWilcoFeelthere CRJNo. MBWorld Traffic 2. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBx. 73. 7FMC nativeYes. MBX FMC 2. 5 and above nativeYes. MBX Plane 1. 0 1. No. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBX Plane 1. 1 nativeYes. MBX Plane GNS4. 30, 7. Worldliner ExtProf, Flightfactor B7. Professional, VMAX B7. ER Professional, X Crafts Embraer E 1. Aerobask Aircrafts, JRollon Planes CRJ2. Yes. 20. 17 1. 0 0. MBContrary to other FMS Data files, access code are limited in time. An access code will enable use of the current AIRAC cycle during the current and the following cycle. A native version of a download is identical to the regular download, but there is no installer program. The data is provided in a ZIP file which needs to be extracted manually in the correct folder. This version is only recommended for advanced or non Windows users. Access to the data is determined by your subscription start date and end date, which is printed on your receipt. NOTE We never provide access to previous cycles, neither data files nor access codes, and regardless of your previous purchases. We only keep the current cycle on the server, and if you have an active subscription, you may download. Fly. The. Maddog. Liveries Pack 1 8. Mb Self installer including the following liveries Aeropostal, Alaska, Allegiant, Air Adriatic, Alexandair, Alitalia old CS, Alitalia new CS, Alisarda, American Airlines, Ati blue CS, Ati green CS, Delta new CS, Eurofly, Fly Nordic, Iberia, It. Ali, Jets. Go, Meridiana fly, Nordic Leisure, Sas, Spanair, Spanair Star Alliance CS, Swiss new CS, Viking. Liveries Pack 2 4. Mb Self installer for Meridiana fly fleet liveries, approved by Meridiana fly Virtual. All 1. 8 Meridiana flys MDs are included I SMEB, I SMEC, I SMED, I SMEL cone tail, I SMEM cone tail, I SMEN, I SMEP, I SMER, I SMES, I SMET cone tail, I SMEV, I SMEZ, EI CIW, EI CKM, EI CNR, EI CRE, EI CRH, EI CRW. FLYTHEMADDOGPROSP2. EXE 1. 84 Mb, purchase code required Service Pack 2 for FS9 and FSX, version 3. FlyTheMaddogdoc. PDFZIP 3. Mb Fly The Maddog documentation. TXTZIP 1. 0 Kb Italian routes database. Unzip and move all the files in your MADDOG2. Routes folder. Backup existing files first ZIP 2. Mb A blank layered textures set to repaint the Maddog in your favorite airline scheme. Basic graphic editor and knowledge required. ZIP 3. 2 Mb Maddog Bitmaps of the box cover and CD label. Flickeringfix. zip ZIP If you experience flickering switchesneedles with VISTAWINDOWS 7WINDOWS 8 in the 2. D panels, download and install this script. If you are a Navigraph customer you can update the Maddog FMS data to latest airac. Download the PMDG file, unzip and run the updater. Latest freeware airac 0. Download latest fsuipc. Peter Dowsons website.