Elgato Wikipedia. Elgato is a brand of consumer technology products. The manufacturer, also called Elgato, was founded in 1. Markus Fest and is headquartered in Munich, Germany. Elgato is best known for a line of video recording products called Eye. TV, which record video from over the air antennas, satellite TV, or mobile devices. The first Eye. TV product was introduced in November 2. More recently, Elgato introduced a line of smart products, such as a key fob that tracks the users distance from their car or purse and provides notifications to help them find it. Old Information Notes from release v0. At the time of writing 872003 this project is in its very early stages. Here are some limitations Alpha release, version 0. Camtasia for Mac makes it easy to create professional screencasts capturing all actions on screen for demonstration videos, instructional videos, and other. JTMaciPhoneiPadEyeTV HDAR. Drone. Q. Do they still make USB television tuners for Mac I cant seem to find any that work in this country. What are other options for cordcutters and. Buy Elgato Game Capture HD60, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox 360, or Nintendo Switch gameplay, Full HD 1080p 60fps Internal TV Tuner Capture Cards Amazon. In 2. 01. 4, it introduced a home monitoring system called Eve, which provides alerts to users regarding things like air pressure, temperature and water use. Elgato also developed light bulbs that can respond to programming on a mobile device and respond to commands over Bluetooth and it produces two Thunderbolt products a dock for Mac. Books and an external hard drive. EyeTV-T2-Box.jpg' alt='Eyetv Mac' title='Eyetv Mac' />HistoryeditThe first Eye. TV hardware device was introduced in November 2. It was a small USB powered device that contained a cable tuner and hardware encoder in order to convert television video into an MPEG 1 format for watching on a computer. It also had coaxial and RCA plugs to connect it with a VCR or camcorder. A 2. Macworld said it was the first step in bridging computers and television, but at this point still had some kinks. The next iteration was released in 2. Eye. TV 2. 00. Eye. TV 2. 00 introduced a digital remote control and converted video programming into the higher quality MPEG 2 format. A Macworld review gave it 4 out of 5 stars for very good and emphasized the video quality and ease of use. A story in the Washington Post said it was more expensive than some alternatives, but worked on a Mac and had good quality recordings. Also in 2. Eye. TV product for satellite television was introduced with the Eye. TV 3. 10,5 which was later discontinued and replaced with Eye. TV Sat. 6That same year a home media server called Eye. Home was introduced. It had recording features similar to other Eye. TV products, but was also intended for streaming a computer display to a television. It connected Mac computers and televisions that share the same home network. A review in Macworld gave it three stars or a good rating, saying that it was easy to install and worked well with Apple applications, but some aspects were quirky or frustrating. Sound and Vision Magazine said it was pretty darn cool and an easy, inexpensive way to get media server functionality, though there were some user interface quirks. It gave the product an 8. By 2. 00. 5, several other Eye. TV products had been introduced, such as the Eye. TV for DTT, the Eye. TV EZ1. 0 and the Eye. TV Wonder. 1. 1 The Eye. TV for DTT digital terrestrial TV is a small USB powered device with an antenna for receiving free over the air television broadcasts. It received a 4 out of 5 rating in Tech. Radar. 1. 2 A review in The Register gave it an 8. The Eye TV Wonder was only available from July 2. January 2. 00. 6, before being discontinued and replaced with the Eye TV EZ. The EZ was a basic, entry level product with an analog tuner for watching TV on a Mac computer. In 2. 00. 6, version 2. Eye. TV software was introduced with a new user interface, an integrated TV guide from Titan. TV1. 5 and compatibility with Apple remotes. The interface was similar to that of other Apple products. An article in Macworld praised the update and especially the new editing features, but said it had some quirks, such as a difficult to find Edit button. Some of the i. Home software, which plays video content from a computer onto a television, was released in 2. Version 2. 4 of the Eye. TV software was released in 2. Apple TV. 1. 9Exit from the ATSC tuner marketeditAs of February 2. Elgato no longer sells ATSC tuners. ATSC is the digital television standard used in the United States, Canada, South Korea, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. The Elgato web site explicitly declines to give a reason Elgato Technical Support is not able to comment on this business decision. In February 2. 01. Elgato sells the Eye. TV business to Geniatech Europe Gmb. H, a wholly owned subsidiary of Shenzhen Geniatech Inc., Ltd. Geniatech will take over the complete Eye. TV product line. This company no longer sells Turbo. HD Software and reduce digital tv tuners to one model. No news about Thunderbolt products continuity. Current productseditOver the aireditThe Eye. TV Diversity is a USB powered device with dual tuners for receiving over the air television broadcasts. The tuners can be used simultaneously for an optimized signal, or one tuner can be used to record a channel, while another is used to watch a separate show. Diversity was first introduced in November 2. A driver in 2. 00. Windows 7. 2. 1 A review in Tech. Radar gave Eye. TV Diversity five out of five stars. PC Advisor and Pocket Lint both gave it four out of five stars. Eye. TV Hybrid, which can pick up digital or analog television broadcasts, was first released in early 2. A CNET review said the device was easy and effective to use, but that buffering was often too slow to make watching live TV practical. Macworld said Eye. TVs core strength was recording scheduled TV shows. A review in PC Magazine gave the product 3. The review said it works exceptionally well but doesnt come with Windows software. SatelliteeditIn June 2. Eye. TV HD product for recording high definition cable and satellite programming was introduced. Because cable and satellite signals are encoded, the device must be connected to a tuner from a television provider. Yu-Gi-Oh Spiele F?R Pc Kostenlos En Deutsch. Then it provides remote controls, recording and DVR functionality from a connected computer. A Macworld review gave the product four out of five stars. A review in Laptop Magazine gave Eye. TV HD 3. 5 out of 5 stars. It said the interface was intuitive and the video quality was good, but noted it was only compatible with Macs. The Eye. TV Netstream 4. Sat has four satellite tuners, allowing four channels to be watched simultaneously from different devices. It was introduced in 2. A review in Macworld gave it 5 out of 5 stars. The review said Elgato had addressed some of the limitations of prior Eye. TV satellite tuners like Netstream SatDTT. Pocket Lint gave it 4. CNET gave it five stars. The Eye. TV Sat product, which receives free to air television, was introduced in Europe in late 2. The Register gave it an 8. Apple and Windows versions of the software. SoftwareeditThe Eye. TV software was updated to version 3. A review in Tech. Radar gave it 4. 5 out of 5 stars. The review noted that Eye. TV was the de facto software for TV and computer video integration and praised its new features, but said it was expensive when purchased separately. A 2. 00. 7 article in Mac. Life said their top picks for USB powered tuners were those using the Eye. TV software, such as the Eye. TV hybrid or Eye. TV 2. 50. 3. 5 In addition to Elgatos Eye. TV line of consumer devices, other brands such as Terratec and Miglia use the Eye. TV software in their products through licensing agreements with Elgato. The Eye. TV W was introduced in November 2. It is a small 4. 4 gram device that receives free digital over the air television broadcasts and makes it available to portable devices through a wireless hot spot. A review in Macworld said it was portable, easy to use and had good battery life, but noted that users cant connect to other wi fi networks and watch TV at the same time. It gave the product 4 out of 5 stars. An Eye. TV Mobile device for i. Pads was announced at the 2. International Franchise Conference as the first tuner for the new Freeview system in the United Kingdom. The Eye. TV Micro product for Android devices. Subsequently the Eye. TV Mobile and Eye. TV Micro products were released for i. Phones and Android respectively. Geniatech Eye. TV Apple, the Apple logo, i. Phone, and i. Pad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U. S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.