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The urban poor also frequently spend a significant portion of their income on the purchase of wood or charcoalcitation needed. Cooking over a traditional open fire or mud stove can cause increased health problems brought on from the smoke, particularly lung and eye ailments, but also birth defects. The health problems associated with cooking using biomass in traditional stoves affect women and children most strongly, as they spend the most time near the domestic hearth. Replacing the traditional 3 rock cook stove or mud stove with an improved one and venting the smoke out of the house through a chimney can significantly improve a familys health. Deforestation and erosion often result from harvesting wood for cooking fuel. The main goal of most improved cooking stoves is to reduce the pressure placed on local forests by reducing the amount of wood the stoves consume, and to reduce the negative health impacts associated with exposure to toxic smoke from traditional stoves. Three stone cooking fireeditThe traditional method of cooking is on a three stone cooking fire or on a mud stove. The three stone fire is the cheapest stove to produce, requiring only three suitable stones of the same height on which a cooking pot can be balanced over a fire. However, this cooking method also has problems Smoke is vented into the home, instead of outdoors, causing health problems. According to the World Health Organization, 4. Fuel is wasted, as heat is allowed to escape into the open air. This requires the user to gather more fuel and may result in increased deforestation if wood is used for fuel. Only one cooking pot can be used at a time. The use of an open fire creates a risk of burns and scalds. Particularly when the stove is used indoors, cramped conditions make adults and particularly children susceptible to falling or stepping into the fire and receiving burns. Additionally, accidental spills of boiling water may result in scalding, and blowing on the fire to supply oxygen may discharge burning embers and cause eye injuries. Improved stoves and other measureseditThe World Health Organization has documented the significant number of deaths caused by smoke from home fires. The negative impacts can be reduced by using improved cook stoves, improved fuels e. Download 10,000 After Effects templates, including business, wedding, etc from 5. Use forever in unlimited AE projects. Free downloads weekly MotionElements. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. Improved stoves are more efficient, meaning that the stoves users spend less time gathering wood or other fuels, suffer less emphysema and other lung diseases prevalent in smoke filled homes, while reducing deforestation and air pollution. However, a closed stove may result in production of more soot and ultra fine particles than an open fire would. For instance, an improvement of the energy efficiency from 2. Lao stove wood and charcoal fired to 2. Lao stove, results in 2. CO2eq emissions, as reported in a GHG compensation project. The traditional Lao stove needs an average of 3. For making a kilogram of charcoal about seven kilograms of wood is needed. The report also indicates that in Cambodia 3. Some designs also make the stove safer, preventing burns that often occur when children stumble into open fires. Some of the new stove designs are as follows Brick and mortar stoveeditA variety of new brick and mortar stoves have emerged. Most of the new designs incorporate a combustion chamber found in a Rocket stove. By confining combustion to an insulated and enclosed area, the stoves increase the core temperature and thereby achieve more complete combustion. This allows a smaller amount of fuel to burn hotter, while producing less ash and smoke. The Justa Stove is a simple biomass stove built around an insulated, elbow shaped combustion chamber which provides more intense heat and cleaner combustion than an open fire, meaning that it consumes less fuel than a three stone stove. An improved Justa Stove jointly developed by the non profit Proyecto Mirador and the Aprovecho Research Center called the Dos por Tres is being disseminated in Honduras with more than 2. The Dos por Tres has been registered as Project 6. Gold Standard Foundation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2. All Proyecto Mirador documentation related to proof of these reductions can be viewed on the Gold Standard Project registry. The Justa Stove9 has been deployed in Honduras by Trees, Water People and ADESHA, for which they jointly won an Ashden Award in 2. The Eco Stove and the Patsari stove share common benefits with the Justa Stove, and are also used in Central America. Their proponents claim that these stoves use approximately 13 of the fuel required by traditional three stone stoves, lessening the daily labor devoted to gathering wood and also preventing deforestation. At the same time, it employs a stove pipe flue to vent fumes through the roof. This almost eliminates cooking smoke within the home, preventing respiratory problems for the users. Various groups have run programs to provide such stoves, or encourage production of stove making facilities, including certain Rotary Clubs Trees, Water and People 1. Lorena adobe stoveeditA predecessor to the JustaEcoPatsari Stoves was the Lorena adobe Stove. It was designed as a simple to build cook stove for use in Central America, that could be manufactured locally of materials. The name of Lorena Stove comes from the combination of the two Spanish words lodo and arena meaning mud and sand as the stoves were a combinationclarification needed of the two. The Lorena Stove is an enclosed stove of rammed earth construction, with a chimney built onto it. The Lorena Stove was designed with the mistaken belief that rammed earth would act as insulation there was a basic misunderstanding of the difference between mass and insulation. Good insulation resists the passage of heat thermal mass does the opposite, it absorbs heat. Testing has shown that the rammed earth used in the Lorena stove absorbs heat that should be directed toward cooking. However, this waste heat radiates into the structure, providing more efficient heating than an open fire a disadvantage in hot weather. A Lorena stove can also be used to dry clothes as its mass slowly cools off after the fire dies. The designers, Aprovecho, now state The Lorena has been tested over the years by many researchers and has generally been found to use more firewood than an indoor open fire. The stove has other attributes. Its chimney takes smoke out of the kitchen and it is well liked. It is pretty and a nice addition to the house. It is low cost and can be repaired and even built by the home owner. But, it is not a fuel saving or low emission stove. In later designs, the rammed earth has been replaced with thermal insulation, such as pumice or ash. Kenya Ceramic JikoeditFrom the beginning of the appropriate technology movement, one of the principal goals has been to create an affordable stove that was more efficient than the universally used three stone cooking fire. The Kenya Ceramic Jiko is one of the improved stoves. Charcoal is the standard cooking fuel in East Africa. Traditionally it was burned in a metal stove or Jiko as stoves are called in the Swahili language. The KCJ is the traditional Jiko with a ceramic liner. The initial model has a distinctive shape, differing from the traditional cylindrical jiko, with the top and bottom the same diameter, tapering at about 3. Sanjha ChulhaEarth StoveSurya StoveeditSince 1.