It. Conforming SCXML 1. A Conforming SCXML 1. Processor MUST support. SCXML elements described. A Conforming SCXML 1. Processor MAY support the. SCXML elements described in. When a Conforming SCXML 1. Processor encounters a. SCXML elements or. SCXML. namespace, its behavior is undefined. There is no conformance requirement with respect to performance. SCXML 1. 0 Processor. B Data ModelsThis section is normative. The datamodel attribute on lt scxml defines the data. The data model includes the. A. conformant SCXML document MAY specify the data model it uses. Conformant. SCXML processors MUST support the null data model, and MAY support. ECMAScript and XPath data models. The ECMAScript and XPath model definitions given here are normative. MUST behave. The intent is to ensure. ECMAScript, and. all those that support XPath, without requiring all implementations. The definition of a data model MUST Specify the boolean expression language used as the value of. This language MUST not have side effects and MUST include. In, which takes a single argument, the id of a. Specify the location expression language that is used as the. Specify the value expression language that is used as the value. Specify the scripting language used inside the lt script. B. 1 The Null. Data Model. The value null for the datamodel attribute results in an. In particular B. Data Model. There is no underlying data model. B. 1. 2 Conditional. Expressions. The boolean expression language consists of the In predicate. It has the form Inid, where id. The predicate. return true if and only if that state is in the current state. B. 1. 3 Location Expressions. There is no location expression language. B. 1. 4 Value Expressions. There is no value expression language. B. 1. 5 Scripting. There is no scripting language. B. 1. 6 System Variables. System variables are not accessible. B. 2 The ECMAScript. Data Model. The value ecmascript for the datamodel attribute results in. ECMAScript data model. Implementations that support this value. ECMAScript ECMASCRIPT 2. Implementations MAY support. JSON RFC 4. 62. 7 or ECMAScript for XML E4. X E4. X. B. 2. Data. Model. For each lt data element in the document, the SCXML. Processor MUST create an ECMAScript variable object. In cases where the src attribute or. Content Type header, then the Processor SHOULD try. Otherwise if. the content whether fetched or provided in line is JSON and the. Processor supports JSON, the SCXML Processor MUST create. ECMAScript object. Otherwise, if the content is a. XML document, the Processor MUST create. DOM structure and assign it as the value of the. Otherwise the Processor MUST treat the. If no value is assigned, the SCXML Processor. ECMAScript undefined. Note. that the assignment takes place at the time indicated by the. CEO exprMr Big. B. Scoping. The Processor MUST place all variables in a single global. ECMAScript scope. Specifically, the SCXML Processor MUST allow any. Ordering dependencies. In the case of. early binding, the SCXML Processor MUST evaluate. MAY do so in. any order it chooses. When late binding is selected, the SCXML. Processor MUST create data model elements at. MAY do so in any order it chooses. Similarly. the processor MUST assign the specified initial values to. B. 2. 3 Conditional Expressions. The Processor MUST convert ECMAScript expressions used in. To. Boolean operator as described in Section 9. ECMASCRIPT 2. 62. The following example illustrates this usage. Switch. lt datamodel. Date. Time. From. Datetimetime 2. Behavior. Behavior. The SCXML processor MUST define an ECMAScript function named. In that takes a state. ID as its argument and returns true if. Conditional Expressions. Here is an example of its use. G. 3 Microwave Example. Using parallel below. Inclosed targetcooking. B. 2. 4 Location Expressions. The SCXML Processor MUST accept any ECMAScript left hand side. The following example. Note that the example assumes that the. If it didnt, the. Processor would raise error. Switch. lt datamodel. B. 2. 5 Value Expressions. The SCXML Processor MUST accept any ECMAScript expression as a. Event. lt datamodel. Event. lt datamodel. Event exprevent. When lt content is a child of lt donedata, the. Processor MUST interpret its value as defined in B. When. lt content is a child of lt send, the interpretation of. Event IO Processor. When lt content. B. When evaluating an lt assign element in the ECMAScript data. SCXML Processor MUST replace the existing value at location. If it is unable to do. MUST place the error error. B. 2. 8 System Variables. The SCXML Processor MUST define an ECMAScript read only variable. System Variables. The. sessionid and name system variables are. ECMAScript String values. The. event system variable is defined as an object with. The Internal Structure. Events name,type. String values, while. In cases where this. Processor MUST set the. ECMAScript undefined. As the value of the ioprocessors. Processor MUST create an object with a named property. Event IO processor that it supports, where the name of. IO processor and the value. IO processor. For. SCXML and Basic. HTTP Event IO processors, the Processor MUST create a. URI as. its String value. For example, in systems that support the. Basic. HTTP Event IO Processor, the access URI of the Basic. HTTP. Event IO processor can be accessed as. TRscxmlBasic. HTTPEvent. Processor. location. B. 2. 8. 1. event. In some. circumstances, the entity that generated the event may have. In such cases, the. Processor SHOULD try to format the data according to. Otherwise, if the SCXML Processsor can interpret. Processor MUST create a property of event. In the case of duplicate keys, the behavior. Note that content specified by lt param. POST parameters via the Basic. HTTP Event IO. Processor consists unambiguously of key value pairs. Otherwise. Processor supports JSON and it can interpret the content as JSON. ECMAScript objects as the value of. Otherwise, if the Processor can interpret the content. XML document, it MUST create the corresponding DOM structure. Otherwise, the Processor. Suppose as part of executing a state machine named my. Name with. a platform assigned sessionid 1. Then the underlying ECMAScript data model would have the. The four properties below are automatically populated by the system. Name. sessionid 1. TRscxmlBasic. HTTPEvent. Processor. location http example. TRscxmlSCXMLEvent. Processor. location http example. Design Of Post Tensioned Slabs On Ground 3Rd Edition Manually more. Rest of the application developer authored data model goes here. As an example, here is a sample transition that accesses the. Event. Name. lt transition condevent. State. lt transition. Serialization. In certain circumstances, e. Basic. HTTP Event IO Processor, the SCXML Processor is. ECMAScript data model for. In such cases, if the Processor.