Economics of R. C. C. Water tank Resting over Firm Ground vis a vis Pre stressed Concrete Water Tank Resting over Firm Ground. By. MS. SNEHAL R. METKARP. G. STUDENTDEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERINGSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERING IIND YEARP. R. M. T OF TECH. RESEARCH, BADNERA AMRAVATISANT. The New Real Book Pdf 3Ds. GADGE BABA AMARAVATI UNIVERSITY MAHARASHTRACOUNTRY INDIA 4. GUIDED BYProf A. R. MundhadaPROFESSORDEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING,P. R M. I. T. R., BADNERA, AMRAVATI. MAHARASHTRA, INDIA 4. Abstract. Water tanks are used to store water and are designed as crack free structures, to eliminate any leakage. In this paper design of two types of circular water tank resting on ground is presented. Both reinforced concrete RC and prestressed concrete PSC alternatives are considered in the design and are compared considering the total cost of the tank. Design Of Post Tensioned Slabs On Ground 3Rd Edition Manually' title='Design Of Post Tensioned Slabs On Ground 3Rd Edition Manually' />These water tank are subjected to the same type of capacity and dimensions. As an objective function with the properties of tank that are tank capacity, width length etc. A computer program has been developed for solving numerical examples using the Indian std. Indian Standard Code 4. IS 3. 37. 0 I,II,III,IV IS 1. Web portal for buildingrelated information with a whole building focus provided by the National Institute of Building Sciences. Areas include Design Guidance. Economics of R. C. C. Water tank Resting over Firm Ground visavis Prestressed Concrete Water Tank Resting over Firm Ground Posted in Concrete Engineering, Prestress. Historically, water would flow slowly through this iconic river of grass from Lake Okeechobee, one of the biggest freshwater lakes in the country, through. Design Of Post Tensioned Slabs On Ground 3Rd Edition Manually' title='Design Of Post Tensioned Slabs On Ground 3Rd Edition Manually' />The paper gives idea for safe design with minimum cost of the tank and give the designer the relationship curve between design variable thus design of tank can be more economical ,reliable and simple. The paper helps in understanding the design philosophy for the safe and economical design of water tank. Keywords. Rigid based water tank, RCC water tank, Prestressed Concrete, design, details, minimum total cost, tank capacity. I. INTRODUCTIONStorage reservoirs and over head tanks are used to store water, liquid petroleum, petroleum products and similar liquids. The force analysis of the reservoirs or tanks is about the same irrespective of the chemical nature of the product. In general there are three kinds of water tanks tanks resting on ground Underground tanks and elevated tanks. Here we are studying only the tanks resting on ground like clear water reservoirs, settling tanks, aeration tanks etc. Militaria Mart features a reputable dealer directory and resource site for collectors of militaria. The wall of these tanks are subjected to pressure and the base is subjected to weight of Water. Advertisements. In this paper, both types of reinforced concrete and prestesses concrete water tanks resting on ground monolithic with the base Are design and their results compared. These tanks are subjected to Same capacity and dimensions. Also a computer program has been developed for solving numerical examples using IS Code 4. IS 1. 34. 3 1. 98. IS 3. 37. 0 Part I,II,III,IV 1. IS Code 1. 34. 3 1. From the analysis it is conclude that for tank having larger capacity greater than 1. ObjectiveTo make the study about the analysis and design of water tank. To make the guidelines for the design of liquid retaining structure According to IS code. To know about design philosophy for safe design of water tank. To develop program for water tank to avoid tedious calculations. To know economical design of waterThis report is to provide guidance in the design and construction of circular priestesses concrete using tendons. Previous Research. From the review of earlier investigations it is found that considerable work has been done on the method of analysis and design of water tanks. Tanetal. 1 1. British Code for water tanks, using a direct search method and the SUMT. The cost function included the material costs of concrete and steel only. The tank wall thickness was idealized with piecewise linear slopes with the maximum thickness at the base. Thakkar and Sridhar Rao 2 1. Indian code. Al Badri 3 2. ACI Code 2. 00. 2. He proved that the minimum cost of the silo increases with increasing of the angle of internal friction between stored materials, the coefficient of friction between stored materials and concrete, and the number of columns supporting hopper. Al Badri 2. 00. AC I Code 2. The cost function included the material costs of concrete, formwork and steel reinforcement. He proved that the minimum total cost of the corbel increases with the increase of the shear span, and decreases with the increase of the friction factor for monolithic construction. Hassan Jasim Mohammed 4 studied the economical design of concrete water Tanks by optimization method. He applied the optimization technique to the structural design of concrete rectangular and circular water tank, considering the total cost of the tank as an objective function with the properties of the tank viz. From the study he concluded that an increased tank capacity leads to increased minimum total cost of the rectangular tank but decreased minimum total cost for the circular tank. The tank floor slab thickness constitutes the minimum total cost for two types of tanks. The minimum cost is more sensitive to changes in tank capacity and floor slab thickness of rectangular tank but in circular type is more sensitive to change in all variables. Increased tank capacity leads to increase in minimum total cost. Increase in water depth in circular tank leads to increase in minimum total cost. Abdul Aziz A. Rashed 5 rationalized the design procedure for reinforced and prestressed concrete tanks so that an applicable Canadian design standard could be developed. The study investigates the concept of partial prestressing in liquid containing structures. The paper also includes experimental and analytical phases of total of eight full scale specimens, representing segments from typical tank walls, subjected to load and leakage tests. In analytical study a computer model that can predict the response of tank wall segments is described and calibrated against the test results. The proposed design procedure addresses the leakage limit state directly. It is applicable for fully prestressed, fully reinforced and partially prestressed concrete water tanks. The conclusions that are drawn are as follows A design method based on limiting the steel stress, does not produce consistent crack or compression zone depths under the application of prestressing nor under a combination of axial load and moment. A design method based on providing a residual compressive stress in concrete dose not utilizes non prestressed reinforcement effectively. Relaxing the residual compressive stress requirement permits a more efficient design. The stresses in non prestresssed steel are higher, but remain below yield under service load. Therefore, less reinforcement is required. Load eccentricity significantly affects the behavior of the prestressed concrete sections. The behavior with a small load eccentricity, less than about half the thickness, the section may be treated as a flexure member. The ratio of non prestressed steel to prestressed steel in partially prestressed concrete section has a significant effect on the member serviceability and strength. Choosing the ratio such that both non prestress and prestressed steel reach their strength simultaneously utilizes both types of steel at the ultimate limit state effectively. Increasing the wall thickness is very effective in increasing the capacity of the section and improving its serviceability by increasing the compression zone depth and reducing the deformations. Chetan Kumar Gautam 6 Highlights the point named Comparison of Circular Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Underground Shelter. In his paper, design of two types of large circular underground shelters is presented. The shelters are made of precast concrete sections. Both RC and PSC alternatives are considered in the design and compared. The shelters are subjected to same type of external loadings and support conditions. The study conclude that the feasibility of using the vertical casting process of making the modules of shelters as it is suitable for manufacturing of large diameter pipes. He also suggested that the incorporation of fibers, specially steel fibers improves a host of properties of concrete, including its crack resistance, flexural strength, ductility, etc.