Creating an account is free and gets you Access to HighDefinition streaming A personal area on the site where you can access Favorite Shows. North Korea successfully tested a hydrogen bomb on Sunday, according to officials in the country. If confirmed, it would be the most powerful nuclear explosion ever. H. R. Mc. Master Endorsed Book Calls Jihad Peaceful, Al Qaida Terrorism ResistanceThe work frames jihad as largely peaceful means to struggle or exert effort, such as waking up early in the morning to recite prayers. It argues that groups like al Qaida and other terrorist organizations have hijacked the concept of jihad to wage warfare using such tactics as suicide bombings. In the book, AboulEnein refers to the deadly terrorism of alQaida in Iraq as resistance. Besides its worldwide mayhem, AlQaida has been responsible for. The pushbutton approach to fighting Al Qaeda represents a radically new use of statesanctioned lethal force. Al Qaeda Nuclear Program Definition' title='Al Qaeda Nuclear Program Definition' />The book, reviewed in full by this reporter, was authored by U. S. military officer Youssef H. Aboul Enein, and is titled Militant Islamist Ideology Understanding the Global Threat. Mc. Master provided a glowing blurb for the book jacket, referring to Aboul Eneins book as an excellent starting point for understanding terrorist ideology. Mc. Master also promoted the book in ARMOR, the journal of the U. S. Armys Armor Branch, published at Fort Benning, Georgia, where Mc. Master served as commanding general at the Ft. Benning Maneuver Center of Excellence. Mc. Master wrote in his blurb for the book Militant Islamist Ideology deserves a wide readership among all those concerned with the problem of transnational terrorism, their ideology, and our efforts to combat those organizations that pose a serious threat to current and future generations of Muslims and non Muslims alike. In the blurb, Mc. Master revealed his own views on terrorism, claiming that terrorist organizations use a narrow and irreligious ideology to recruit undereducated and disenfranchised people to their cause. The book may offer a primer into critical national security views held by Mc. Master, who has claimed that Islamic terrorist organizations are really un Islamic and are really irreligious organizations who cloak themselves in the false legitimacy of Islam. In numerous public comments on terrorism, Mc. Master has seemed to minimize the central religious motivations of radical Islamic terrorist groups who are waging a religious war against Western civilization. Mc. Masters comments represent views of Islamic terrorism that are diametrically opposed to those espoused by President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly utilized the phrase radical Islamic terrorism. Aboul Enein is listed as a senior adviser and analyst at the Joint Intelligence Task Force for Combating Terrorism at the Defense Intelligence Agency, a position that he also held under the Obama administration. He is an officer in the Navy Medical Service Corps and Middle East Foreign Officer, and an adjunct military professor and chair of Islamic studies at the National Defense University. Besides endorsing Militant Islamist Ideology, Mc. Master also wrote a forward for another Aboul Enein book, this one titled, Iraq in Turmoil Historical Perspectives of Dr. Ali al Wardi, From the Ottoman Empire to King Feisal. Hamas an Islamist Political GroupThroughout the Mc. Master endorsed Militant Islamist Ideology book, Aboul Enein struggles to properly categorize Hamas but at no point does he call Gazas murderous Islamist rulers a terrorist organization. Hamas is a terrorist group responsible for scores of deadly suicide bombings, shootings and rocket attacks targeting Israeli civilians. Hamass official charter calls for the obliteration of the Jewish state, and proclaims that there is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Hamas leaders routinely demand the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews. Yet Aboul Enein struggles to properly classify Hamas. At one point, Aboul Enein differentiates between militant Islamists and Hamas, grouping the latter among Islamist political groups. In the books introduction, he writes Militant Islamists alienate not only the United States but even Islamist political groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. It is time for a more nuanced definition of the threat. At another point, the author calls Hamas an Islamist group. He writes page 1. For instance, Zawahiri condemns Islamist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas for participating in the electoral process. Despite its clear terrorist activities, Aboul Enein suggests page 2 that Hamas does not fit into a neat category. He asks an open question about whether Hamas is an Islamist or Militant Islamist group, but he does not provide an answer. He writes page 3 There are also Islamists who do not fit into a neat category, such as the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas. On one hand, Hamas provides social services, won 4. Palestinian territories. On the other hand, it has failed to compromise effectively with other Palestinian rejectionist and secular groups to form a governing coalition, and it has failed to provide social services for a wider Palestinian populace. In addition, it has conducted suicide operations directed against Israeli civilians though it has not widened its campaign beyond targeting Israel. Further, al Qaida senior leaders have viciously attacked Hamas for participating in electoral politics. The question for Americans is whether Hamas is an Islamist or Militant Islamist group. Aboul Enein fails to note that the U. S. government already answered that so called question, designating Hamas as a foreign terrorist group. Paco De Lucia Sirocco Rare more. In another section of the book, Aboul Enein defines page 1. Hamas as straddling the Islamist and Militant Islamist divide, using its proficiency in suicide bomber operations to strike at Israeli targets, yet it is currently in government. He also writes page 2. Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni Islamist militant organization and political party. Al Qaida, Palestinian ResistanceIn the book, Aboul Enein refers to the deadly terrorism of al Qaida in Iraq as resistance. Besides its worldwide mayhem, Al Qaida has been responsible for countless terrorist attacks across Iraq that have targeted civilians, U. S. troops and Iraqi government institutions. Aboul Enein relates a struggle between the goals of al Qaida in Iraq AQI and those of the Islamic Army of Iraq IAI in terms of resistance locally versus a global fight against the West. Aboul Enein writes page 1. In post Saddam Iraq, among the Sunni insurgency there are other stressors that undermine al Qaida in Iraq AQI, such as the tensions between the Islamic Army of Iraq IAI and al Qaida in Iraq. The IAI struggles with AQI over the concept of this fight being for Iraqs Sunnis and not a wider pan Islamist struggle the IAI has narrower objectives than AQI. It is a tension between Jihad as muqawama resistance and Jihad for a wider pan Islamist objective. He refers to support for resistance against the U. S. presence in Iraq. He does so when documenting the rise of Muslim Brotherhood political parties and public criticism of an al Qaida hotel bombing in 2. Amman, Jordan. He writes page 4. This has split the Muslim Brotherhood, as there is deep hostility toward the U. S. presence in Iraq, support for muqawama resistance and for the Muslim Brotherhood concept of wasatiyah moderation, and recognition of the need for grassroots representation of the Ahl al Sunnah formal term for Sunni Muslims. Aboul Enein also categorizes deadly terrorist raids on Jewish settlements in the 1. He states page 1. No study of Militant Islamist ideologues and the cleavages between Militant Islamist and Islamist groups can be complete without delving into the life, actions, theories, and legacy of Abdullah Azzam. Militant Islamist operatives take the nom de guerre Abu Azzam in his honor. A witness to increased Jewish immigration into Palestine in World War II, Azzam was reared on the stories of resistance by the Izz al Din al Qassam Brigade, which led guerrilla raids against the British and then Jewish settlers. The Izz al Din al Qassam Brigades is currently the namesake of Hamass so called military wing. Aboul Enein was referring to deadly attacks carried out by the original Brigade, founded around 1. Breitbart TV Articles Breitbart. Thursday in Sao Paulo, Brazil, former President Barack Obama said one of the problems with politics dealt with some members of Congress occupying their seats for 2. Obama said, I think politics suffer when you have the sameby. Pam Key. 5 Oct 2.