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Klicken sie auf einen Buchstaben in der navigationsleiste, um zu einer marke buchstaben springen. Manuals Warehouse la vostra fonte per le copie di manuali di istruzioni, manuali tecnico e altra. Qui di seguito trovate un riassunto completo di tutti i manuali di istruzioni, manuali tecnico e altradocumentazione che abbiamo a disposizione per le attrezzature come Altoparlanti attivo, passivo, satelliti, subwoofer. Amplificatori, heads, combos. Apparecchiature di registrazione registratori, registratori hard disk, monitor. Apparecchiatura MIDI controllori, convertitori, processori, moduli. Apparecchiature palco amplificazione, sistemi di PA, relatori, arrays, wireless. DMX,fumo macchina. Attrezzature audio, AV e stereo. Attrezzature bass. Attrezzature DJ missaggio, giradischi, DJ kits, effetti, modulatori. Batterie elettroniche, rhythmbox, drumcomputers. Chitarre. Compressori, limitatori, exciters. Console di mixaggio. Crossovers. Effetti processori. Equalizzatori. Giradischi. 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Hieronder vind je een volledig overzicht van alle beschikbare handleidingen, service manuals en overigedocumentatie van apparatuur zoals Audio, AV en stereo apparatuur. Bandrecorders. Bas apparatuur. Compressors, limiters, enhancers. Crossovers. Digitale recorders. DJ apparatuur mixers, draaitafels, DJ sets, effecten, modulators. Draagbaar discmans, walkmans, boomboxes, gettoblasters, radio,MP3 apparatuur, draagbare recorders. Draaitafels. Effects processors. Elektronische drum machines, kits, modules, rhythmbox, drumcomputers. Pianos elektronische pianos, digitale pianos, upright, vleugels. Equalizers. Gitaren. Home audio versterkers, tuners, receivers, CD spelers, HIFI sets. Keyboards. Microfoons. MIDI apparatuur controllers, converters, processors, modules. Mixers en mixing consoles. Opname apparatuur tape recorders, harddisk recorders, monitors. Orgels. Podium performance apparatuur mixers, lichtdmx, PA systemen. Samplers. Sequencers. Software, editors, plug ins. Speakers actief, passief, satellites, subwoofers. Stompboxes en effectpedalen. Studio apparatuur. Synthesizers, workstations, samplers, romplers. Tuners, receivers, radio. Versterkers, heads, combos. En veel meer muziek, podium, studio en geluidsapparatuur. Oppo UDP 2. 05 4. K UHD Blu Ray Player. K Ultra HD Audiophile Blu ray Disc Player. Best in Class Audio Performance, Dual ESS ES9. PRO Sabre Pro DACs. Reference Quality Video with HDR4. K UHD, Blu ray, 3. D, DVD, DVD Audio, SACD and CDReference Quality 4. K Ultra HD Audiophile Blu ray Disc Player. Drawing from over a decades worth of experience in advanced image processing technology and high fidelity audio performance, the UDP 2. The UDP 2. 05 provides reference level sound quality through the analog outputs, improves the clock precision of the HDMI audio output, and increases the power of the built in headphone amplifier. For the analog output stages, the UDP 2. ES9. 03. 8PRO DACs, which are the flagship of the ESS Sabre Pro series, delivering best in class audio performance. SABRE PRO Digital to Analog Converters. Top of the Line Performance. OPPO UDP 2. 05 is equipped with two ESS Technology ES9. PRO 3. 2 bit Hyper. Stream DACs for both stereo and 7. As the flagship of the ESS SABRE PRO series, the ES9. PRO sets a new benchmark for audio excellence with its best in class 1. B of dynamic range. HDMI Audio Jitter Reduction. The UDP 2. 05 features a high stability, high precision HDMI clock and a special HDMI audio jitter reduction circuit. This unique design significantly reduces jitter and eliminates timing errors, allowing you to enjoy your music with increased accuracy when you use the audio only HDMI output port for connecting the audio signal. HDMI Audio Jitter Reduction. The UDP 2. 05 features a high stability, high precision HDMI clock and a special HDMI audio jitter reduction circuit. This unique design significantly reduces jitter and eliminates timing errors, allowing you to enjoy your music with increased accuracy when you use the audio only HDMI output port for connecting the audio signal. Dedicated Stereo Output with XLR Balanced Connectors. The stereo output section offers both XLR balanced and RCA single ended connectors. By transmitting a pair of differential signals, the balanced output provides better common mode noise rejection and improves signal quality. Advanced Image Processing Technology. With over a decade of experience developing high end DVD and Blu ray players, OPPO has once again teamed with Media. Tek to produce and manufacture a specialized 4. K UHD Blu ray decoder So. C the quad core OP8. K UHD Blu ray, Blu ray, DVD and user generated media formats. K UHD Blu ray and Media Playback. The UDP 2. 05 is capable of playing the new 4. K UHD Blu ray discs as well as 4. K media files. Support for decoding the HEVC, H. VP9 4. K, and Hi. P video codecs provides increased compatibility with user generated media. HDR and HDR to SDR Conversion. One of the more exciting elements of the new 4. K UHD format is the inclusion of high dynamic range HDR video and an expanded color range, allowing for more natural and true to life colors. The UDP 2. 05 supports the HDR1. HDR to SDR for older displays. Support for Dolby Vision is now available via a firmware upgrade. Upscaling to Ultra HD 4. K Resolution. The UDP 2. K Ultra HD, which is four times the resolution found on a 1. Blu ray disc. Advanced Picture Control. The UDP 2. 05 also features advanced picture controls. Adjustments can be made to brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, and sharpness, allowing you to make adjustments to compensate for any limitations found in your other home theater components, or merely to adjust the image to your own personal taste. Supports up to email protected resolution with native 4 4 4 Color Space. The UDP 2. 05 features support for all current SD, HD, and UHD resolutions, including email protected, email protected, email protected, and email protected using various color spaces such as PC RGB, Video RGB, YCb. Cr 4 4 4, 4 2 2, and 4 2 0. High Quality Metal Construction. Reinforced Chassis Structure. The UDP 2. 05 features a brushed aluminum front panel and a metal chassis that continues the tradition of excellent workmanship found in previous generations of OPPO universal players. The new double layered chassis further enhances the stability and vibration canceling capabilities. Toroidal Power Supply Clean Power for Clear Music. The UDP 2. 05 has separate power supplies for digital and analog circuitry to eliminate virtually all harmful interference. The analog audio circuitry is powered by a massive toroidal power transformer, which offers superior efficiency and significantly lower exterior magnetic field interference compared to traditional laminated steel core transformers. The toroidal linear power supply provides a very clean and robust power source to the audio components. Custom Made 4. K Loader. The UDP 2. 05s disc loader features an optimized laser mechanism that delivers super fast disc loading, compatibility with a wide range of optical media, strong error detection and correction to ensure error free physical media playback. Lossless High resolution Audio. Audio format support has been expanded to multi channel DSD 6. Hz2. 4 bit PCM used in high resolution lossless formats such AIFF, ALAC, APE, FLAC and WAV. DSD 6. 4 is played back in native mode or converted to PCM, DSD1. PCM. Support for the Latest Surround Formats. In addition to supporting the Dolby True. HD and DTS HD Master Audio surround formats, the UDP 2. Dolby Atmos and DTS X. These new formats add overhead sound effects to create a greater impression of 3. D dimensionality. UDP 2. 05. 4K Ultra HD Audiophile Blu ray Disc Player. Best in Class Audio Performance, Dual ESS ES9. PRO Sabre Pro DACs. Reference Quality Video with HDR4. K UHD, Blu ray, 3. D, DVD, DVD Audio, SACD and CDReference Quality 4. K Ultra HD Audiophile Blu ray Disc Player. Drawing from over a decades worth of experience in advanced image processing technology and high fidelity audio performance, the UDP 2. The UDP 2. 05 provides reference level sound quality through the analog outputs, improves the clock precision of the HDMI audio output, and increases the power of the built in headphone amplifier. For the analog output stages, the UDP 2. ES9. 03. 8PRO DACs, which are the flagship of the ESS Sabre Pro series, delivering best in class audio performance. SABRE PRO Digital to Analog Converters. Top of the Line Performance. OPPO UDP 2. 05 is equipped with two ESS Technology ES9. PRO 3. 2 bit Hyper. Stream DACs for both stereo and 7. As the flagship of the ESS SABRE PRO series, the ES9. PRO sets a new benchmark for audio excellence with its best in class 1. B of dynamic range. HDMI Audio Jitter Reduction. The UDP 2. 05 features a high stability, high precision HDMI clock and a special HDMI audio jitter reduction circuit. This unique design significantly reduces jitter and eliminates timing errors, allowing you to enjoy your music with increased accuracy when you use the audio only HDMI output port for connecting the audio signal. Asynchronous USB DAC and CoaxialOptical Inputs. An asynchronous USB DAC input supports sample rates up to 7. Hz PCM and DSD 5. For additional convenience and flexibility, the UDP 2. Dedicated Stereo Output with XLR Balanced Connectors. The stereo output section offers both XLR balanced and RCA single ended connectors. By transmitting a pair of differential signals, the balanced output provides better common mode noise rejection and improves signal quality. Advanced Image Processing Technology. With over a decade of experience developing high end DVD and Blu ray players, OPPO has once again teamed with Media. Tek to produce and manufacture a specialized 4. K UHD Blu ray decoder So. C the quad core OP8. K UHD Blu ray, Blu ray, DVD and user generated media formats. K UHD Blu ray and Media Playback. The UDP 2. 05 is capable of playing the new 4. K UHD Blu ray discs as well as 4. K media files. Support for decoding the HEVC, H. VP9 4. K, and Hi. P video codecs provides increased compatibility with user generated media. HDR and HDR to SDR Conversion.