Sample business letters by Quazell. Note You can buy cigarettes on the internet. The shipping is free of charge. Day Notice Before Collections on Delinquent Account. Day Notice to Quit. Payments. As prescribed in 32. Sample Promissory Note Demand or Installment Letter Download Sample Promissory Note Demand or Installment Letter Format Sample Letters. Acceptance of Counter Proposal. Acceptance of Order With Delivery in Lots. Acceptance of Purchase Security Agreement. Acceptance of Resignation. Acknowledged Receipt of Goods. Acknowledged Resignation. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Order. Acknowledgement from Publisher, Comments Referred to Author. Acknowledgement of Application. Disclaimer Be aware that some of these sample letters have legal, financial, or other implications. If you are not sure about the use of any letter, consult with an. Installment Payment Proposal Letter' title='Installment Payment Proposal Letter' />Acknowledgement of Cancellation of Backorder. Acknowledgement of Change in Meeting Date. Acknowledgement of Customer Praise of Employee. Acknowledgement of Letter. Acknowledgement of Merchandise Returned for Repair. Acknowledgement of Modified Terms. Acknowledgement of Notification of Lease Transfer. Acknowledgement of Receipt DocumentsAcknowledgement of Receipt of Estimate. Acknowledgement of Request for Bid, Confirmation of Deadline. Acknowledgement of Unsolicited Idea. Acknowledgement of Warranty and Instruction for Product Return. Acknowledgment of Correspondence Indicating Postal Delay. Advance Notice of Out of Business Sale. Affidavit for Lost, Stolen, Destroyed Stock Certificate. Affidavit of No Lien. Agreement to Compromise Debt. Agreement to Extend Debt Payment. Amendment to Lease. Announcement of Additional Location. Announcement of Business Name Change. Announcement of Catalog Price Reductions. Vag-Com 311 Windows 7 on this page. Announcement of Change of Address. Announcement of Change of Address for Billing. Announcement of Clearance Sale. Announcement of Free Delivery Limitations Change. Announcement of New Area Representative. Announcement of New Area Representative Visit. Announcement of New Business Opening. Announcement of New Discount. Announcement of New Pricing Policy. Announcement of New Shipment Arrival. Announcement of Partnership Buyout. Announcement of Price Increase. Announcement of Price Reduction. Announcement of Special Discount Offer. Apology Proposal on Overshipped Merchandise. Apology After Cancellation of Order. Apology and Replacement of Damaged Goods. Apology and Request for Extension of Time to Deliver Goods. Apology and Tender of Compensation. Apology for Accounting Errors and Past Due Notices. Apology for Delay of Refund. Apology for Delayed Response Request for Meeting. Apology for Not Crediting Payment. Apology for Not Crediting Payment from Prompt Payer. Apology for Overshipment. Apology for Poor Service Rating on Customer Questionaire. Apology to Customer for Accounting Error. Apology to Receiver of NSF Check. Application for License. Appointment for Employment Interview and Testing. Appointment for Testing. Assignment. Assignment and Transfer of Stock Certificate. Assignment of Accounts Receivable With Non RecourseAssignment of Accounts Receivable With RecourseAssignment of Contract. Assignment of Copyright. Assignment of Deed of Trust. Assignment of Income. Assignment of Lease. Assignment of Lease. Assignment of Lien. Assignment of Literary Propery. Assignment of Security Interest. Assignment of Trademark. Assignment of Trademark. Assignment of a Claim for Damages. Authorization. Authorization to Direct Bill for Corporate Guest. Bid for the Purchase of Real Property ProbateBill of Sale. Bill of Sale with Warranty of TitleBusiness Credit Application. Business Credit Application Form. Certificate of Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name. Certificate of Installation, Leased Equipment. Certification of Satisfaction of Lien. Change of Address Awaiting Refund. Charge Account Credit Limit Raise Notification. Charge Account Terms and Conditions Form. Charge Back Application of Discount on Delayed Shipment. Collateral Decision, Request for Preparation of Loan Documents. Collections Report on Current Status of Debt. Commendation. Commendation and Refusal of Request for Raise. Commercial Account Analysis Form. Commitment Form AdvertisingCompany Bonus Letter. Company Credit Account Approval Letter. Company Credit Account Denial Letter. Company Credit Account Denial for Unfavorable Report. Complimentary Letter to Employee on Handling of Difficulty. Complimentary Letter to Employee on Handling of Emergency. Complimentary Letter to Hotel. Complimentary Letter with Individual Commendation. Confidential Information Agreement. Confidentiality Agreement Between Firms. Confirmation of Acceptance of Employee Suggestion. Confirmation of Extension of Payment Date. Confirmation of Interview Appointment. Confirmation of Purchase Agreement. Confirmation of Telephone Report of Problem. Confirmation of Verbal Order. Congratulations on Employee on 5 Year Anniversary. Congratulations on Expansion. Congratulations on Formation of New Company. Congratulations on Increased Sales. Congratulations on Outstanding Achievement. Congratulations on Promotion 1. Congratulations on Promotion 2. Congratulations on a Job Well Done. Congratulations to New Businesss. Congratulations to New Owners. Consignment Agreement. Consignment Letter. Consumer Credit Application. Consumer Credit Application Form. Contract 1, Goods. Contract 2, Goods. Contract Proposal for Services. Conversion of Open Account to C. O. D. Correction of Deposition. Corrections to Derogatory Credit Report. Cover Letter for Loan Book. Cover Letter in Response to Catalog Request. Cover Letter, Product Literature in Response to Phone Inquiry. Cover Letter, Renewed Charge Chard. Credit Dept Report to Collections on Past Due Account. Credit Extension to Past Due Preferred Customer. Customer Incentive Program Announcement. Customer New Charge Card Cover Letter. Customer Revival, Auto Mechanic. Customer Revival, Preferred Customer Private Sale. Customer Revival, Product Sales. Customer Revival, Small Shop. Customer Service Request Form. Decline of Venture Offer. Decline to Interview Referred Job Applicant. Deliveries Held Until Past Due Balance Paid. Demand by Secured Party for Possession of Collateral. Demand for Acknowledgement of Shipping Dates. Demand for Delivery. Demand on Guarantor. Demand that Future Payments Be by Certified Check. Demand to Endorsers for Immediate Payment. Denial of Request for Additional Discount. Denial of Request for Extension of Time. Denial of Request for Quarterly Billing. Directed Letter of Recommendation Requesting Reply. Discharge of Security Interest. Disclosure Statement, Fair Credit Reporting Act. Disclosure of Investigative Consumer Reports. Discreet Letter of Resignation. Disputed Balance Notice. Employee Invention Agreement. Employee Non Compete Agreement. Employee Non Compete Agreement Specific RadiusEmployee Photo and Recording Release. Employee Suggestion for Company Meeting. Employers Verification on Loan Applicant. Employment Agreement. Employment Agreement. Employment Information Form. Employment Letter. Employment Reimbursesment Agreement. Equipment Leasing Agreement. Equipment Maintenance Agreement. Escrow Check Receipt. Escrow Fee Worksheet. Expense Account Statement. Expense Account Statement Form. Explanation for Delay of Partial Shipment. Explanation of Insurance Rate Increase. Extension of Lease. Fictitious Name Certificate By Corporation. Fictitious Name Certificate Individual. Fictitious Name Certificate Partnership. Fifth Overdue Payment Reminder, Notice of Credit Hold. Final Demand for Payment on Delinquent Account. Final Notice Before Legal Action. Final Notice of Impending Litigation. Final Warning Before Dismissal. Financing Statement. Firm Letter on Past Due Account. Five Day Demand for Payment. Follow Up Letter, Travel Agency. Follow Up on Release of Pending Order. Fourth Overdue Payment Reminder. Friendly Apology for Late Payment. General Affidavit. Going Away Pary Invitation and Gift. Good Customer Conversion of Account to C. O. D. Good Faith Partial Payment to Creditor. Grant of Request for Extension of Time. Guarantee. Guarantor Instrumernt. Holiday Letter to Stockholders. Individual Charge Account Denial Letter. Initial Notice of Balance Discrepancy. Inquiry to Manufacturer on Product Availability. Insurance Binder. Insurance Refund on Close of Escrow. Invitation to Demo New Product Line.