Cisco CCNA, Routing, Switching, Packet Tracer, Linux, Security, Photoshop, Flash, Windows Server, and Web Game Programming. Store photos and docs online. Access them from any PC, Mac or phone. Create and work together on Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents. This article details the process of installing Linux Mint 18, from downloading the ISO, getting it onto a flash drive, and the installation itself. Check Shell Type Currently Use and Check Shell Version on Linux Fedora. Repair the files on a USB Flash drive or any drive. Also useful for damaged SD cards. How to modify Network Interface names. On Cent. OS RHEL 7, a new naming scheme is introduced. For instance ip addr show. BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWERUP mtu 1. UP qlen 1. 00. 0. This post describes how to revert to legacy naming scheme with Network Interface names as eth. Edit kernel boot parameter. US/crear-liveusb-centos7-unetbootin-09-instalando_cargador_arranque.png' alt='Install Centos From Flash Drive' title='Install Centos From Flash Drive' />Edit file etcdefaultgrub and add net. GRUBCMDLINELINUX, for instance GRUBCMDLINELINUX crashkernelauto net. Regenerate a GRUB configuration file and overwrite existing one grub. Correct ifcfg file configuration Edit NAME and DEVICE parameters in ifcfg file to new Network Interface name. Edit ifcfg file name mv etcsysconfignetwork scriptsifcfg eno. Disable Network. Manager systemctl disable Network. Manager. rm etcsystemdsystemmulti user. Network. Manager. Network. Manager. Reboot system. 5. Verify. Verify the change of device name to eth. BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWERUP mtu 1. Download Ninja Scroll English Sub. UP qlen 1. 00. 0. How to repair your USB Flash drive.