Keypad is a library for using matrix style keypads with the Arduino. As of version 3. 0 it now supports mulitple keypresses. Running Voice Gsm Downloads. This library is based upon the Keypad Tutorial. Sage receptionists and breakroom philosophers have long taught that every day has its own emotion. Your week progresses from a case of the Mondays through Wednesday. Glediator LED Matrix Control Software Glediator stands for Graphical LED Installation AnimaTOR and is a small stand alone software to control matrix installations. This DIY Alarm Clock Rips Your Sheets Off. Heavy sleepers might need a little something stronger than your standard alarm clock. Some ask you to throw them against a wall, while others roll around the floor wailing, but none of them take direct action to wake you up. Furniture maker and Instructables user 1. Up. Living decided to make his alarm clock a little more functional, adding the delightful feature of literally pulling the sheets off of his sleeping body in the morning. To build the alarm clock of my nightmares, 1up. Living installed a modified winch and spool under his bed to wind up his duvet cover. An Arduino microprocessor, hooked up to his alarm clock, would signal the winch to turn when the alarm went off, and slowly slide the duvet off the bed. Ive always been geared towards getting up before lunchtime, but I wanted to be a real morningRead more You can always build your own, but you should probably try going to sleep a bit earlier before constructing an elaborate contraption designed to wake you up.