CHECK OUT THE GENRE PAGES AS 1. S OF NEW TITLES, NOT EVEN HERE YET HAVE BEEN ADDEDNEWEST GENRE ADDITIONS ARE IN THE HORROR SECTION. OVER 3. 5 NEW TITLES NOW AVAILABLE Below are the newest titles. Just click and order securely with Paypal IN THE SUN 1. In French with English subs, widescreen print. Historians tell us the genesis of food service dates back to ancient times. Street vendors and public cooks caterers were readily available in Ancient Rome. A aa aah aahed aahing aahs aal aalii aaliis aals aargh aarrgh aarrghh aas ab aba abaca abacas abaci aback abacus abaft abaka abakas abalone abamp abamps abandon abas. LIBRARY NEWS Veterans Connect the Library is a grant funded program in partnership with the California Department of Veterans Affairs CalVet and the California. Jean Paul Belmondo and Lino Ventura star in this excellent French crime film by director Henri Verneuil. A small group of tough, truck driving Frenchmen ply freight routes across the craggy terrain of North Africa. Along the way, they drink, carouse, scrap and double cross one another. One of the driversthe youngest and most personablesteals a truck, and his friends give long chase, skirting disaster. Created by filmmaker Henri Verneuil as a western with trucks instead of horses, 1. Henri Verneuil, who also directed with Belmondo, WEEKEND AT ZUDYCOOTE. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTATLAS IN THE LAND OF THE CYCLOPS 1. Finally a beautiful widescreen version of this Gordon Mitchell Peplum. Maciste Gordon Mitchell battles a cyclops and an evil queen Chelo Alonso to save a descendent of Ulysses in this rousing actionfantasy tale. Directed by Antonio Leonviola. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTBLOOD CAKES 1. In Spanish with English subs. Learn how to pursue a successful long term career as a train driver by viewing our list of industryspecific job vacancies online today. Searching for an electronic component Simultaneously query distributors, and returns the responses in real time. The movie consists of four stories Tarot, Nineteenth Century, Terror among Christians and Dance. All the stories revolve around a theme, terror through history. Julian Igarte, Marta May and Romy star in this excellent Spanish anthology horror film. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTDEATH OF A PRESIDENT 1. Rare Paul Naschy thriller, letterboxed, in Spanish with English subs for the first time A political thriller based on true events about the assassination of Carrero Blanco, then the president of the Spanish government and Francos right hand man, by four Basque activists in 1. The poster depicts the actual event when the car containing Blanco was literally blown upwards and thrown 3. ATAVT-Train-Drivers.jpg' alt='Group Bourdon Test For Train Drivers' title='Group Bourdon Test For Train Drivers' />ADD TO SHOPPING CARTGARDEN OF EARTHLY DELIGHTS 1. In Italian with English subs. Maurice Ronet, Evelyne Stewart, Lea Massari with an awesome score by Ennio Morricone, directed by Silvio Agostini. A ceremony. A wedding night. A hotel room. A flush toilet leaking. A man. a woman and another woman. Memories that flow, anxieties that arise. The first hours of marriage, the beginning of hell. Shes at her third month of pregnancy, hes furious because he never wanted to marry in the first place. One night, as she slowly hemorrages her life away, he gets stuck meditating on Boschs garden of Delights. Then he meets a beautiful stranger. Test pipe or tubing joints or connections for leaks, using pressure gauge or soapandwater solution. Test electrical circuits or components for continuity, using. From peplums to giallos, from low budget British comedies to Eurospy films, from Spaghetti Westerns to. Filmed in beautiful B W. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTKIDNAPPING 1. In Italian with English subs, widescreen print. Rare spaghetti western starring Brett Halsey, Germano Longo and Fernando Sancho by director Alberto Cardone. Ex sheriff Fred Leinster is thought to have caused, due to drunkenness, the death of some women, relatives of Dixon. He becomes unwillingly involved in the kidnapping of little Jerry, son of Jane, a young widow with a small farm. Fred is captured by Bill Cochram, the man who has taken Freds place as sheriff. Fred, having convinced Jane of his own innocence, is able to escape and locates the old mine in which the kidnappers hold Jerry prisoner, persuading the child to put himself through a passage opened on the flank of the mountain. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTKISS KISS BANG BANG 1. Letterboxed print. X Sparklers Level 2 Zac S Story X5 9780954738020 0954738020 The Compendium of Knowledge and Wisdom, Rajab Ibn HanbaliAl, Abdassamad Clarke. FINALLY A BEAUTIFUL WIDESCREEN PRINT OF THIS OUTSTANDING EUROSPY FILM STARRING GIULIANO GEMMA AND NIEVES NAVARRO Kirk Warren, a former spy, is to be executed because he tried to steal a million dollars. But he is saved by Colonel Smithson because Sir Wilcox has prepared a mission for him. Warren has to steal a secret formula in Switzerland and try to expose the real identity of Mr. X. Kirk leaves London and Alina, his girl, together with three clumsy friends to accomplish his not so secret mission. But Kirks great love is always a million dollars and not a secret formula. Written by Baldinotto da Pistoia. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTA MANA CITY 1. In Italian with english subs, widescreen print. Beautiful and longer version of the Italian crime film CITY UNDER SIEGE starring Enrico Maria Salerno, Francoise Prevost, and Luciano Salce. Un Secret Philippe Grimbert Pdf. Scenes of everyday crime fighting of a Commissioner situated in Turin. Michele Parrino investigates the death of a young girl, a gang of rich kids spreading terror among civilians by way of robberies and drug dealing, and also the death of a jeweller at the hands of a gang of armed robbers. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTMARSHALL OF HELL 1. In Spanish with English subs, beautiful upgrade of the Paul Naschy film released here as THE DEVIL POSSESSED. Naschy stars as the evil Baron Gilles De Lancr, who oppresses the people and uses black magic and bloody rituals to stay in power. Lots of MARK OF THE DEVIL type torture scenes. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTMAS ALLA DEL TERROR 1. In Spanish with English subs. Sleazy and violent devil worshipping horror film from Mexico A group of sadists buy themselves some weed, rob a shitty bar, shoot everyone up and then go on to beat an old lady and set her and her grandson on fire. Clearly this cannot stand, so cue the supernatural vengeance. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTMONSTER OF FLORENCE 1. Companion film to THE KILLER IS STILL AMONG US, based on a true story of the Italian serial killer who terrorized Florence. In Italian with English subs. Gory nasty giallo, based on the real life killings that shocked Italy The killer here enjoys slaying couples that make love inside cars. This is actually one of the 2 films which were made at the same year the other one is THE KILLER IS STILL AMONG US with the intention to exploit those shocking murders Needless to say these films prompted anger from the victims families. Uncut slightly letterboxed. Cesare Ferrarios Il Monstro Di Firenze. The movie is quite creepy at times, and although its certainly not the most suspenseful thing ever brought to screen, it has a certain eerie atmosphere, which is intensified by a pretty cool though in no way outstanding score. Several gruesome murders of young couples have occurred around Florence since 1. In 1. 98. 5, when this series of murders has not yet come to an end, Writer Andreas Ackermann Leonard Mann is currently writing a book about the killings, and therefore works on some kind of psychological profile of the mysterious psychopath. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTSATANIK 1. Finally a beautiful widescreen print with Magda Konopka nude scene intact, throw away those old Sinister cinema tapesThis Spanish Italian co production tells an interesting and weird story about Dr. Bannister, a woman that not only has the best years behind her, but also has a scarred face that makes her look like a freak. But in Madrid, a professor she knows has conducted some experiments on animals with a substance which regenerates cells. The experiments were successful, but the animals became aggressive. Because the professor wont allow Dr. Bannister to be the first human guinea pig, she kills him and consumes the substance. She becomes a beautiful young woman, but also a vicious killer when it comes to keep her secret a secret. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTSTUNT SQUAD 1. Finally a beautiful widescreen print of this great eurocrime film This time is Bologna, already plagued by drug racket, to be hit by a ruthless gang of pillaged, that make difficult life for the retailers. Commissioner Grifi organizes a very special team and began his action against the impregnable Valli and his gang. Director Domenico Paolella Cast Marcel Bozzuffi. Grifi , Vittorio Mezzogiorno. Valli , Riccardo Salvino. Brogi, Nello Pazzafini. Tunesian. ADD TO SHOPPING CARTTIME OF INDIFFERENCE 1. Italian with English subs. Beautiful letterboxed version of this outstanding film, with great performances by an outstanding cast. Impeccably styled and shot, Francesco Masellis hyper elegant 1. Bertoluccis The Conformist and Godards Contempt as the best ever film of an Alberto Moravia novel.