This stems from the fact that on the surface, a materials properties database may seem simply like a fancy means of storing, retrieving, and distributing materials data, something akin to an electronic file cabinet. However, as discussed by Marsden et al. Arnold et al. 3, an effective ICME materials database e. For example, for a physics based model to predict the yield strength of a nickel based superalloy it may need to draw upon quantum mechanics predictions of stacking fault energies, lattice distortions, and phase equilibria of several different alloying elements. These predictions would be combined with microstructural scale models that either use the quantum mechanics predictions or are calibrated with experimental data. Phase equilibria models such as CALPHAD models are an example, as well as processing microstructure models of castings or forgings. Important information necessary for a yield strength model would include not only equilibrium phases but also the kinetics of microstructural evolution of several features, including precipitate and carbide size and spacing, grain size and grain boundary phases. The maturity of these models already allows semi quantitative predictions of various parameters, but the development of higher fidelity models will require the capture, analysis, and dissemination of higher fidelity data, as well as all associated pedigree information for calibration and validation. For example, while a current model may utilize an average particle size as a key parameter, future models may require the entire particle size and shape distributions to be measured and tracked with respect to various manufacturing methods. Clearly, the enormity of data types e. Consequently, historical static data systems are likely to be gradually phased out, evolving to become an integral part of dynamic materials property databases that are web accessible and in which data and the relationships between items of data can be interactively searched, reorganized, analyzed, and applied. These dynamic databases have great superiorities in satisfying the needs of modern materials related sciences and engineering focused activities like ICME. Furthermore, it is critical to understand that ICME is not just developing processing microstructure P M relationships or microstructure property M P relationships independently, rather it is the full integration of these various length scale specific relationships, wherein linkages from processing all the way up to performance can be made and utilized. This requirement greatly increases the need for datametadata and contextual linkage so that knowledge can be both captured and discovered. For example, the variety and complexity of modern materials, and their applications, necessitate complicated, and often extensive, materials testing. As for composite materials, large volumes of test data on various forms of the composites themselves, as well as individual constituents thermal and mechanical behavior, are often required. Given a micromechanics based analysis approach, it is typical to require that data for each constituent be reliably and conveniently traced back from the final products through their processing steps to the original raw materials. A second example is the need to provide adequate data to support increasingly sophisticated nonlinear, anisotropic, and multi scale engineering analyses. Here again, instead of storing a simple set of reduced, point wise data, like elastic modulus and yield strength, the entire response e. Collating, storing, processing, interacting with, and finally applying such data and metadata require advanced dynamic information systems, enabling management of changing proprietary data alongside reference data collections, while ensuring consistency, quality, applicability, and traceability. Prior publications 3 6 discussed the data scheme, best practices, and informatics required to establish a robust, twenty first century information management system for capturing and analyzing materials information. The goal of the information management system is to enable 1 generalized constitutive modeling and 2 data mining to establish microstructurepropertyfailure relationships for monolithic and composite materials. The proposed schemarequirements for ICME were demonstrated using a turbine disk Ni based superalloy, in Arnold et al. Furthermore, Arnold et al. Nuclear And Particle Physics An Introduction Pdf Converter here. Freedoms Dream, Leslie Hill 9781552441022 1552441024 Creating a Classroom Community of Young Scientists Second Edition, J Bloom. Figure 2 and at various length scales, in the same information management system is essential for ICME to become a reality and to permeate the material and engineering cultures within a given organization. For example, Figure 3 illustrates the interaction between experimental data and virtual data data resulting from simulation tools in that some experimental processing data A serves as input to a process model which in turn outputs some microstructural feature W, which is stored in the database.