LiveScript is a language which compiles to JavaScript. It has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive. A. browsing contexts Window. Proxy object forwards everything to the. Window object. In general, there is a 1 to 1 mapping from the Window object to the. Document object. There are two exceptions. First, a Window can be reused. Document in the same browsing context. This occurs when a browsing context is navigated from the initial about blank. Document. to another, with replacement enabled. Second, a Document can end up. Window objects when the document. A Document does not necessarily have a browsing context. In particular, data mining tools are likely to never instantiate browsing. A browsing context can have a creator browsing context, the. If a browsing. context has a parent browsing context, then that is its creator browsing. Otherwise, if the browsing context has an opener browsing. Otherwise, the. browsing context has no creator browsing context. If a browsing context. A has a creator browsing. Document that was the active document of that. A was created is the. Document. When a browsing context is first created, it must be created with a single. Document in its session history, whose address is about blank, which is marked as being an HTML document, whose character. UTF 8, and which is both ready for post load tasks and. Window object that. Document is associated with. The Document must have a single child. As soon as this. Document is created, the user agent must implement the sandboxing for. If the browsing context has a creator Document, then. Documents referrer must be set to the address. Document at the time of the browsing. If the browsing context is created specifically to be immediately. The origin and effective script origin of the. Document are set when the Document is created. If the new browsing context has a creator browsing context, then the. Document is an alias to the origin of the creator. Document and the effective script origin of the. Document is initially an alias to the effective script origin of the. Document. Otherwise, the origin of the. Document is a globally unique identifier assigned when the. Document is initially an alias to its origin. Nested browsing contexts. Certain elements for example, iframe elements can instantiate further browsing contexts. These are called nested browsing contexts. If a browsing context P has a. Document. D with an element E that nests. C inside it, then C is said to be. D, and E is said to be the browsing context container of C. If the browsing context container element E is in the Document. D, then P is. said to be the parent browsing context of C and C is said to be a child browsing context of P. Otherwise, the nested browsing context. C has no parent. browsing context. A browsing context A is said to be an ancestor of a browsing context B if there exists a browsing. A that is a child browsing context of A and that is itself an ancestor of. B, or if the browsing context A is the. B. A browsing context that is not a nested browsing context has no parent. The transitive closure of parent browsing contexts. The list of the descendant browsing contexts of a Documentd is the ordered list returned by the following algorithm Let list be an empty list. For each child browsing context of d that is nested through an element that is in the Documentd, in the tree. Append that child browsing context to the list list. Append the list of the descendant browsing contexts of the active. Return the constructed list. A Document is said to be fully active when it is the active. Documentthrough which it is. Because they are nested through an element, child browsing. Document in their parent browsing. User agents must not allow the user to interact with child browsing contexts of elements that are in Documents that are. A nested browsing context can be put into a delaying load events mode. This is used when it is navigated, to delay the load event of the browsing. Document is. created. The document family of a browsing context consists of the union of all. Document objects in that browsing contexts session. Document objects. The document family of a Document object. Document object. 5. Navigating nested browsing contexts in the DOMwindow. Returns the Window. Proxy for the top level browsing context. Returns the Window. Proxy for the parent browsing context. Element. Returns the Element for the browsing context container. Returns null if there isnt one. Throws a Security. Error exception in cross origin situations. The top IDL attribute on the Window object. Document in a browsing contextb must return. Window. Proxy object of its top level browsing context which would be. Window. Proxy object if it was a top level browsing context. Window. Proxy object otherwise e. The parent IDL attribute on the Window. Document in a browsing contextb must. Window. Proxy object of the parent browsing context, if there. Window. Proxy object of the browsing contextb itself. The frame. Element IDL attribute on the. Window object of a Documentd, on getting, must run. If d is not a Document in a nested browsing. If the browsing context containers Document does not have the. Security. Error exception and abort these steps. Return the browsing context container for b. Auxiliary browsing contexts. It is possible to create new browsing contexts that are related to a top level browsing. Such browsing contexts are called auxiliary browsing contexts. Auxiliary browsing contexts. An auxiliary browsing context has an opener browsing context, which is. Navigating auxiliary browsing contexts in the DOMThe opener IDL attribute on the Window. Chubb Black Box 3100 Manual Transmission. Window. Proxy object of the browsing. On setting, if the new value is null then the current browsing context must disown its opener if the new value is anything else then the. Define. Own. Property internal method of the Window object, passing the. Property Descriptor. Value value, Writable true, Enumerable true. Configurable true as the property descriptor. Secondary browsing contexts. User agents may support secondary browsing. Security. A browsing context. A is familiar. with a second browsing context. B if one of the following. A browsing context. A is allowed to navigate a. B if the following algorithm terminates. If A is not the same browsing context as B, and A is not one of the ancestor browsing contexts of B, and B. As active. documents active sandboxing flag set has its sandboxed navigation. Otherwise, if B is a top level browsing context, and is. A, and As Documents active sandboxing. Otherwise, if B is a top level browsing context, and is. A nor one of the ancestor browsing contexts of A, and As Documents active sandboxing. A is not the one permitted sandboxed navigator of B, then abort these steps negatively. Otherwise, terminate positivelyAn element has a browsing context scope origin if its Documents. Documents ancestor browsing contexts. Documents origin. If an. element has a browsing context scope origin, then its value is the. Document. 5. 1. 6 Browsing context names. Browsing contexts can have a browsing context name. By default, a browsing context. A valid browsing context name is any string with at least one character that does. U0. 05. F LOW LINE character. Names starting with an underscore are reserved for.